Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chapter 85: The Twelvth Joins In


Mandala City


“Welcome, my friends!” I exclaimed.

“Lilithmon, I’m impressed; you were actually successful at something,” Lupinemon said.

“Aww…does this mean she will not receive divine punishment?” DeathPhantomon asked sadly.

“Actually…I think we should rethink that,” Belphemon said. “She was successful, surprising as it sounds. Perhaps…we ought to be the ones apologizing? For doubting her?”

“…I don’t know if I would ever go that far,” Lupinemon growled. “She kept us waiting for far too long. Let’s just say we’re even.”

“I’m inclined to agree with Lupinemon,” Myotismon said. “I may never forgive her for taking so damned long…but she did get us out in the end, and for that…she has my begrudging thanks.”

“Oh, there’s no need for thanks,” I said. “Now that the eleven of us are alive — twelve, if you count Cherubimon, wherever he might be — we are all at our fullest power!”

“Well, I do know one thing,” Hydramon said. “If it weren’t for one person in this city, this momentous occasion would never have happened!”

“And I think we all know who that person is,” Horusmon said.

“…Me?” I asked hopefully.

“No, Lilithmon; we speak of your crony, Sephyrus,” Generalmon said. “It certainly seems as though he did more for us than you ever did.”

“Oh…no…I have done little to aid in all of this,” Sephyrus said, sounding slightly embarrassed. “It was all Lilithmon’s work, I assure you.”

“Well, whatever the case, we are free,” Machinedramon said.

“Freedom…after precisely one million seconds of waiting…freedom has been achieved by Lucemon,” Lucemon said. “This emotion known to others as ‘elation’ that Lucemon feels…it feels quite unnatural…Is this…normal?”

“Well, Lilithmon, I can’t thank you enough for this,” SkullCaliphmon said, placing his arm around my shoulders. “After this, I am quite certain our boned will grow stronger! Get it?!” SkullCaliphmon began laughing. “IT’S FUNNY BECAUSE BONED RHYMES WITH BOND KIND OF!”

“SkullCaliphmon, shut up!” Lupinemon said. “Nobody thinks your horrible bone puns are funny other than you!”

“…I kind of do,” DeathPhantomon chuckled.

“SHUT UP!!!!”

“Well, my friends…I believe it is time,” I said. “Time…to go to the surface!”

“Final Elysion!” A large beam of light suddenly came out of nowhere and struck Belphemon in the chest, making him fall over and land on Hydramon.

“Well, then…it appears as if our friends are here!” DeathPhantomon cackled.

Thomas stepped out of the blue light of one among many portals to Mandala. “…We’re too late,” he said. “They…they’ve all been released…” Next to him stood Zelda, Statuedramon, Gallantmon, and a woman I could only assume to be Bellaluna.

“Well, I’ve never been one to quit no matter how the odds look!” Statuedramon said, rushing towards us like an idiot.

“Permit me to deal with him,” Horusmon said. “Ebon Flames of Purgatory!” Horusmon exhaled thick black and purple flames from his beak at the advancing Rookie, and in spite of the fact that he had his shield up, the flames consumed and overwhelmed him and knocked him down to his back, moderately singed.

“Why…so powerful…stronger than it was in Lotisea,” Statuedramon said weakly.

“All of us are alive now,” Generalmon said. “Our strength multiplies a thousandfold with each one of us that is alive.”

“We are unstoppable now!” Machinedramon said. “Get out of our way, of suffer the consequences!”

“I think not; Royal Saber!” A blast of lightning was emitted by Gallantmon’s lance and shot at us, but with a single snap of Myotismon’s fingers, the attack changed direction and struck Gallantmon in the chest.


“I…forgive me…Zelda…I’ll have to retreat for now…” Gallantmon disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

“Lernaean Inferno!” Hydramon spewed a spiraling flame from his mouth that trapped the three Humans and Statuedramon in a ring of flames.

“Now to end this!” Belphemon swung his powerful arms and flailed the chains wrapped around them. One of the chains struck a nearby marble pillar, causing it to break apart and collapse down on those trapped in the flames.

“Ooh…did that kill them?” DeathPhantomon asked.

“…It is doubtful,” Generalmon said. “Their witch was with them, and her magic is nothing to be scoffed at. It is possible that she is—”

“Who cares about that?! Let’s just get out of here while they’re powerless to stop us!” Lupinemon growled.

“Oh, I’ve waited so long for this!” Hydramon exclaimed. Above us, a hole opened in the barrier protecting this city and through the ocean. Hydramon’s eyes began to glow blue, and all of us, Sephyrus included, rose up into the air and through the break in the barrier. The water swirled out of our way, making a pathway to the surface. In no time at all, we had broken through to the surface of the ocean.

“At last…we are free!” I exclaimed. Hydramon landed us in a more shallow part of the ocean, where the water barely reached my knees.

“Strike…of the Seven Stars!” From the sky, seven orbs of light came down and stuck me, and only me. I fell facedown into the ocean.

“Lilithmon! Thou aren’t dead, art thee?” DeathPhantomon asked. I raised my head just as the form of a familiar Digimon floated down from the sky, landing before me.


“Lilithmon…Apollomon told me you were up to something again,” Seraphimon said. “And so we came…to put an end to whatever it is you and your friends have in mind!”

You two, stop me?!” I stood up.

“Well, at the very least, he won’t be alone,” Apollomon said, walking up to Seraphimon with Dianamon and the Human known as Pheragas.

“This time…you are outnumbered, and I have no intention of stabbing myself this time!” I said.

“Stabbing yourself?!” Lupinemon asked.

“Lily, dear…did you not tell us it was Seraphimon who killed you the first time?” Machinedramon asked.

“Uh…Well, you see…”

“Oh, who cares what happened hundreds of years ago?!” Horusmon asked.

“There’s nothing they can do to stop us, so let us put an end to them once and for all!” Belphemon roared. The three Digimon approached us, the sky darkening with clouds as they did.

“Fine, then; fight us if you dare!” I said. “I’ll send you to join your friends very soon!”

“Strike of the Seven Stars!”


“Ice Archery!” The three Digimon prepared their attacks, but before they could do anything, all of them, Pheragas included, were all struck down by lightning. Red lightning. The sky had darkened with thick clouds.

“Wait a minute…I recognize that lightning,” SkullCaliphmon said. “Isn’t that…” Our four opponents stood up, fazed and weakened.

“Terminal Judgment!” More and more bolts of red lightning fell from the sky and struck our adversaries, knocking them unconscious.

“It is him…Cherubimon is here!” Hydramon hissed with delight as an enormous Digimon descended from the clouds and landed before us.

“Lilithmon…I apologize for my absence for all these years,” Cherubimon said.

“So, you were alive all this time?” Generalmon asked.

“Why didn’t you show yourself until now?” Horusmon asked.

“Yes, you could have saved poor Sephyrus here a lot of time by showing yourself and helping him retrieve the Horcruxes I made,” I said.

“I…I had not been made aware of Lilithmon’s revival until recently,” Cherubimon bowed before me. “I offer no excuse for my tardiness. If you wish to strike me down in retribution, then—”

“No need for that,” I quickly said. “Now that you are here, Cherubimon, the twelve of us can pick up where we left off.”

“…Whatever it is that you wish…I shall do it…Ophanimon.”

Ugh! How many times have I told people not to call me by that disgusting name?! Although…when Cherubimon does it, I suppose it is kind of adorable…But, of course, I would never say that out loud…

“We’ve been trapped in that stuffy old Dark Area for such a long time…I’m not really sure what I’d like to do first,” Hydramon said.

“Before we all go, would anybody like for me to make Horcruxes—”

“Oh, don’t feed us that shit again, Lilithmon!” Myotismon snapped.

“You did that for us last time, but it took you over five hundred years to free us!” Belphemon roared.

“Indeed; how long will it take for you to free us next time? One thousand years? A millennium? Never?!” Myotismon asked. “Provided that we are, in fact, gracious enough to give you a second chance, that is.”

“There are a few things I’d like taken care of immediately,” SkullCaliphmon said. “I don’t have time for Lilithmon to snatch away a part of my soul and stick it in a pencil or something.”

“There is a certain city in Shendu Territory…I shall wipe it off the map,” Generalmon said. “That city…they will all pay for what they did to me!”

“So…nobody wants another chance at life in case something happens?” I asked.

“And what could happen, Lily dear?” Machinedramon asked. “Seraphimon and Apollomon are dealt with. You told us SlashAngemon was killed. Most of the Celestial Vanguard has vanished to who knows where. Those others are trapped at the bottom of a very large marble column. There is nobody left to stand up to us.”

“The Order of the Enchantress,” Lucemon sighed. “Lucemon believes that there is a one hundred percent chance at our continued survival.”

“This is probably for the best, milady,” Sephyrus said to me as the others, save for Cherubimon, left the shoreline. “It would be bad for morale if you were to do so; they all believe themselves to be capable of survival. And I believe so as well, of course.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I said. “But…what if something happens? What if they—”

“Nothing will happen to them,” Cherubimon said. “They believe too firmly for otherwise.”

“…Cherubimon…where will you go?” I asked.

“If…if Ophanimon has nothing for me to do…then I would like to stay at her side,” Cherubimon said. “Alongside Sir Sephyrus, I will serve you however you wish.”

“It is an honor, sir,” Sephyrus said.

“…Very well. You both may stay at my side. In Mandala,” I said.


10 Minutes


“Apollomon! Sir! Ah you unhohmed, sir?!” I was being violently shaken awake. Pheragas’s large hands were placed in a very uncomfortable position around my shoulders as he repeated my name over and over until I finally opened my eyes.

“Pheragas…the others—”

“Dianamon and Seraphimon ah both unhohmed,” Pheragas said. “Dey ah on dare way back to de villa. Seraphimon said dat he believed in you, and dat you vould be okay.”

I smirked. “Yes…that sounds like something he would say…He hasn’t changed a bit in the last five hundred years…”

“Lilithmon and her allies left as vell, but I do not know vare dey vent. I apologize, sir; I could not stop dem…”

“There’s…nothing to apologize for, Pheragas. There was nothing you could have done to stop them…”

“Vell, ve should get going, den,” Pheragas said, helping me stand up.

“No…we can’t go yet,” I said. “I overheard them talking while I was…unconscious…Thomas and the others might be there…They’re trapped…they need our help!” I took off, leaving Pheragas behind as I ran through the increasingly deeper waters. Even if I have to hold my breath and swim all the way to the bottom of the ocean, I will save you! I came to a stop in front of a giant whirlpool. I peered down into it and saw the ruins of Mandala. Without a second thought, I dove in, landing next to a huge pile of rubble covered in the dying remnants of a fire. Pheragas landed behind me shortly afterward.

“Vare ah day?” Pheragas asked.

I looked to the pile of rubble to my left. Oh, Goddess Arcadia…don’t let them be buried underneath all of that! My heart was pounding, and before I knew it, I had run over to the pile and begun frantically digging through it.

“Apollomon, calm down!” Pheragas grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from the rubble. “If day ah unduhneath all of dat…den…day won’t be alive…”

“…No!” I freed myself from Pheragas’s grip, and continued to excavate the rubble. The tears that had blurred my vision nearly made me miss the bright green-blue glow surrounding the rubble and even the flames. Pheragas pulled me back once again, and just in time, as the rubble began moving on its own. It moved slowly at first, but a half second later, it was all blown away in a flash. Thomas, Zelda, and Statuedramon lay on the floor, covered in dirt and sweat. Luna stood with her arms raised, and her hands were covered in the same green-blue light. Exhausted, the witch fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

“Boss…you’re here,” Luna smiled.

“What the hell happened here?!” I asked. “Thomas…Zelda…Statch…are they—”

“They…will be fine…”

“Yeah…you expected anything less of us?” Statch asked.

“Luna…saved our lives,” Thomas said. “Some of the rubble…did land on us…but she stepped in…before anything too big hit us…”

“We were all trapped in that small space…that fire robbed us of our oxygen…and we were nearly crushed to death,” Luna added. “We’re all…lucky…to still be alive…”

“Where you…able to find Seraphimon?” Zelda asked.

“Yeah…Dianamon and I attacked Lilithmon’s group with him, but…we weren’t strong enough, and they escaped…Cherubimon showed up as well, which was why they were able to escape.”

“Well, things sure do seem to be getting better and better, don’t they?” Statuedramon asked sarcastically.

“It’s not as bad as it could be, I suppose. The sky hasn’t fallen, after all,” Apollomon said. “You all okay?”

“My swords arm’s completely busted,” Thomas said. “I can’t move it at all…I can walk, though.”

“It’ll probably be a while before I can walk again, so I don’t know how useful I’ll be,” Statuedramon said.

“I can move my legs a little bit, but it really hurts to move them, and I can’t move my left arm at all,” Zelda said.

“I’m completely exhausted from holding all that crap up,” Luna said, her breast rising and falling with the rhythm of her breathing. All four of us were covered in dust, grime, blood, and sweat. “I can…fix everyone up…when we get back…”

“I guess I have no choice, den,” Pheragas said. “De two of us vill just ’ave to carry you tree back home. Thomas, you can valk, cahn’t you?”

“Yeah…hold on for a moment, though.” Thomas stood up and walked over to where the gateway to the Dark Area must have opened up just moments before; there, to my surprise, Michalis’s blood-soaked corpse lay at the center of a ring of Horcruxes. “…So…this is where you met your end…You were Victoria’s son, my mother’s son…and you were essentially my brother…and you killed her. You murdered her.” There was a large, gaping hole in the middle of Michalis’s neck which still oozed blood. “I…I only wish I had the chance to kill you myself…but it seems as though your death was a slow and painful one. I am satisfied.” Thomas walked past his corpse, ‘accidentally’ stepping on his face as he walked over to the center of the Horcruxes.

“Thomas…what are you doing?” I asked. I held Zelda and Statuedramon in my arms while Pheragas carried Luna.

“Is dat de Necklace?” Pheragas asked. Thomas looked down at the pendant that was now in his hand. The Necklace, like the other Horcruxes, appeared to be somewhat singed, as if they had been thrown in a fire. “Is it safe to pick up?” Thomas nodded.

“This Necklace…it may have once trapped the soul of an evil Digimon within…but it was a gift to me from Zelda, and regardless of its history as a Horcrux, it’s still very important to me.”

“Thomas…” Zelda said tenderly.

“…Are you ready to depart, then?” I asked.

“Hold on…this was Saias’s, wasn’t it?” I picked up the sword; its hilt was burnt to a small degree as with the other Horcruxes, but its metal blade shone beautifully. “This should at least be placed at his grave.”

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