Tuesday, May 26, 2015


 hair color: brown
 eye color: black
 age: 31
 height: 5'10"
 weight: 158
 likes: beautiful women
 dislikes: being alive
 theme: La Cloche
 A depressedly, nearly suicidal man, Ienzo apparently used to work for the Valencian Knights as a scientist. He was forced to preform unspeakable acts of cruelty, which he did without a second thought. Upon realizing his mistake, Ienzo took his research notes with him and fled into Lotisea Province.
While for the most part, he is depressed, his face will immediately brighten in the presence of a beautiful woman, whom he will immediately flirt with, albeit unsuccessfully.

Chapter 15: The Man in the Forest

Thomas Kasuto

Lotisea Province

30 Minutes


The forest of Lotisea Province was nothing more than a sea of trees so vast and so deep, it is said that one would have to spend over a thousand lifetimes trying to find one specific tree within the entire forest…which, of course, was the only thing Lotisea consisted of. Just a forest. No cities, no roads, nothing. It is because of this that few Humans have set foot in Lotisea, or even considered doing so. Add to that the unbearable humidity and a certain rumor that claimed that, should anyone, good, evil, or indifferent, enter the wrong part of the forest, they would be doomed to wander the forest forever until death’s sweet embrace relieves them of their weariness. This was, however, only what the average citizen was aware of. At the farthest corner of the forest was an old city, one that Statuedramon and I visited nearly two years ago, with a temple that worshiped an ancient Digimon known as Deckerdramon.

“It’s getting dark,” I said. “If we don’t hurry, it’ll be difficult for us to find our way back to the fort.”

“We’ve been walking the same direction; we haven’t turned or anything,” Zelda said. “It shouldn’t be too difficult to find the fort; the only thing we’ll have to watch out for is the roots of these trees.”

“Do either of you think the rumor about this place is true?” Statuedramon asked. “You know…the one about how if we get lost, we’ll be here forever? And how the trees move around to make it impossible to escape this place?”

“Statch, we’ve been to this forest dozens of times, and nothing has happened to us. So, nothing will happen to us,” I replied.

“Yeah, but we’ve never been here at night,” Statuedramon said. “What if all those things happen at night?”

“You have never been here at night because every time we’ve been here, you’ve fallen asleep before sundown, forcing me to carry you to wherever it is we’re going.”

“But…couldn’t we have done this tomorrow?” Statuedramon griped. “It’s getting cold, I’m getting hungry again, and I can barely see my hand in front of my face!”

“Well, Statuedramon, maybe you should try raising your arm so that your hand actually is in front of your face before you say that,” I suggested.

“…Oh, that’s better.”

“And there isn’t any way we could’ve waited until tomorrow to find him,” I added. “This man’s life is potentially in danger, and it’s our job to ensure he stays alive.”

“Well, yeah, but…he’s a knight!”

“Not anymore; he left them, remember? And that’s why they all want him dead,” I said. “Well, everyone except for Saias and Lector.”

“Well, even if he isn’t one anymore, he still used to be one, so I don’t think he deserves our protection!” Statch insisted. “He deserves to have his life at risk!”

“It doesn’t matter if he deserves our protection or not; it is our job to do so,” I said. “Such is the life of a mercenary.”

“Um…Thomas? Could you tell me why our guild doesn’t like knights?” Zelda asked.

“…Yeah . I guess you deserve to know, since you’re new,” I replied. “It isn’t just knights hailing from Valencia. Our grudge extends to knights from all five of Celosia’s territories; Valencia, Shendu, Elphierr, Valneva, and Cherifia. Surely, Zelda, you are at least aware of the pompous, lazy, and arrogant behavior of knights from these territories.”

“I am. It is common knowledge, even in the desert,” Zelda said sadly. “I experienced it first-hand during my travels, long before I met the two of you.”

“Because they’re so lazy, it makes it easier for the bandits to run amok in poor, unsuspecting villages,” Statuedramon said. “Because the people have no way of defending themselves, they send in help or job requests for the knights to do. But, of course, they only take the high-paying ones, and when they actually go and do their damn job like they’re supposed to, they make an even bigger mess of things, killing even more people than the bandits have!”

“And…that’s why they hate your group?” Zelda asked. “I don’t understand…”

“We steal the jobs of the knights from the Valencian capital city of Yew. That’s why Statch and I were hesitant about going through that city on our way back from Linnea,” I replied. “We take their jobs…their source of income. And then, we do a good job of fixing things, leaving the citizens we protect feeling indebted to us. Not only does this take away the knights’ money, but it also takes away their reputation as being the only source of protection these people have.”

“…I have never heard such a well-justified reason for stealing in my entire life,” Zelda giggled.

“Yeah, our group’s awesome like that,” Statch agreed.

“We are all constantly aware that they could retaliate at any moment, and with their larger numbers, they could easily defeat us. If that were to ever happen…I have no doubts about…about some of the things they would do to Irene, Luna, and Chrysania…or you.” I found that the last two words were choked out with some slight difficulty. I wasn’t quite sure why, though.

“…Don’t worry, buddy. There’s no way we’d lose with Apollomon and Dianamon on our side,” Statuedramon said quietly. “And also, the two of us! And Pheragas could just tear a tree out of the ground and kill, like, thirty of them at a time!”

“The only reason we have yet to directly confront the knights…well, I suppose there are several reasons…They have us outnumbered quite severely,” I said. “But the main reason…the knights are working directly for the royalty of each of the five territories; the king of Cherifia, the empresses of Shendu and Elphierr, the queen of Valencia, and the Tsar of Valneva, all of whom seem to be unaware of the incompetency of their knights. If we were to make any of them truly angry…it could very well be the end. Not just for our guild, but…”

“…For the rest of Arcadia,” Zelda finished, speaking quietly.

“We are always especially careful not to provoke any of them too much,” I said. “That means no murdering, Statch.”

“What’re you lookin’ at me for?!”

“That’s what you’re thinking about right now, isn’t it?”


“Then tell me what you are thinking about!”


“Nice try.”


“You had your chance.”

“Thomas! C’mon! Just let me kill them a little bit! They’ll be fine in the morning!”

“Thomas, I think I see something,” Zelda said, pointing off into the distance. It was difficult to see, but I could barely make out the form of what seemed to be a small cottage built in between two large and sturdy trees.

“Well, this had better be his house!” Statuedramon said, walking up to the house and slamming his fist on the door angrily. To his surprise, the door opened as soon as he touched it.

“Please, come in…” A voice from behind the door said.

I walked into the house first, my hand wrapped tightly around the hilt of my blade. The inside of the house was almost completely dark, and what little of the house’s floor I could see was covered with papers and books that appeared to have been unceremoniously tossed there.

“Tell me…who are you?” the voice asked.

“If you don’t know, why’d you tell us to come in?!” Statuedramon asked.

“Are you Ienzo?” I asked.

“If you’re here to take me with you, then you should just turn back now, because I will not go back there…”

“We aren’t with the military, Ienzo, but we were sent by two knights named Saias and Lector.” For a few moments, there was no sound except for the breathing of the man I spoke to.

“So…Saias wants to find me, huh?”

“He wants to place you in protective custody; Lector and Saias both want to protect you from the other knights,” I said. Instantly, the lights in the house came on, revealing that we stood in what seemed to be the only room in the house. All over the rest of the floor were papers, books, and clothes, many of which were covered in a fine layer of dust. The only furniture in sight was a bed with even more clothes on it and wooden table with a single chair in front of it. On the other side of the room was the man I spoke to.

“Sorry about the mess; I’ve been here ‘bout four years, haven’t cleaned up once…” he said, walking over to us.

“Are you Ienzo?” Statuedramon asked.

“I should hope that would be obvious by now, Statuedramon,” I said, though I doubt he heard me.

“Yes, I—oh, my god!” Ienzo gasped and stared intently at Zelda. “My god, you…you’re so…so beautiful! Oh, it’s been far too long since I’ve seen such exquisite beauty! Please, my angel; tell me your name!”

“I—my name is Zelda,” she said quietly. Blushing furiously, she lowered her head to the ground. “Really…I’m not that—”

“Zelda…ah, yes, a beautiful name perfectly befitting the beauty of its owner! Yes, it is truly—”  

“Damn it, are you Ienzo or not?!” Statuedramon shouted.

“Wha–? Oh, yes, pardon me; I am Ienzo,” Ienzo said.

“I see you’re exactly as Saias described you,” I said.

“Oh, really? What did they say? Surely, I must be more ruggedly handsome—”

“No, not that,” I interrupted. “They told us you degenerate into a blathering idiot whenever you’re around beautiful women.”


“They hit the nail on the head with that description,” Statch added. “Actually, that’s the only description of you they gave us, other than what you look like.”

“…Alas…my one true weakness has been uncovered,” Ienzo sighed. “Oh, but how could I resist that long golden hair? Or those eyes; those deep oceans of sapphire…Mmm…” Zelda took a step back so that she was hiding behind me. As Ienzo continued rambling, I felt an unfamiliar rage well up inside me.

“Hey, is it true you stopped being a knight because there weren’t any beautiful women around?” Statch asked, interrupting Ienzo.

“What?! Who the hell said that?!” Ienzo asked.

“Nobody really said it; it was just a rumor,” I said.

“Well, I’ll have you know that is not the case! The reason I left is a lot more complex than that!”

“Well…I am unfamiliar with the behavior of knights towards their own, though I doubt they would treat you, a deserter, with kindness, considering what they do to our group merely out of envy and greed,” I said. “However, Saias and Lector wish to protect you; now, if you’ll please, come with us so we—”

“No, thank you.” Ienzo yawned as he walked over to his table. “You’re right; if any other knight found me, it would take a miracle for me to stay alive. However...let’s just say that isn’t a miracle I’m exactly searching for…”

“What do you mean?” Statuedramon asked.

“If you’re here for me, then you must know what it was I did when I used to be a knight,” Ienzo sat down backward in the lone chair in the room, facing us.

“We weren’t told,” I said. “Saias and Lector don’t know, either.”

“When I used to work for the knights, I was a scientist,” Ienzo said. “To be a researcher like me among a group of battle-ready knights is quite unusual, rare even—among the lower ranking knights who didn’t know who I was, I was often demeaned, told I didn’t belong with them, but those of higher ranks, like Saias and Lector, they valued my skills, saying that combat strength wasn’t everything. That was probably the only thing we can both agree on, me and the higher-ups. Because they valued me so much, I did what they told me, no question. It made me feel as though I had a purpose in life, and because of that, I researched everything they told me to. What I researched claimed the lives of many innocents. Its name…quintessence.”

“Quintessence?!” I stared at Ienzo; the look on his face told me he expected exactly this kind of surprised reaction.

“That’s the stuff Devimon was looking for!” Statch said.

“Sir…is it alright if we ask you what quintessence is?” Zelda peeked at the man around my shoulder.

“Quintessence…is said to be the element that dwells inside every person, as his or her own life force. The more powerful the Human or Digimon, the more quintessence they have.” Ienzo looked me straight in the eyes. “The only way to harness quintessence, the life force of another living being…is through their death.”

“Death…You mean you—”

“When living things die, their quintessence is released and the power can be harnessed. When I was a knight…I did unfathomable experiments on living beings…Digimon, men, women, even children if they were strong enough. I did all of those cruel experiments without a second thought. It took the words of a brave friend of mine — dead now; he was killed trying to help me — to realize what I was doing.” Ienzo looked down at the cluttered floor. “I don’t know who or what wanted all that quintessence, though…you can be sure that, knowing all that I do about quintessence, whoever ordered me to be found wouldn’t want someone like me to leave — it could turn out pretty bad for them if that secret got out, you know?”

“That’s why you need to come with us,” I said. “Saias and Lector want to protect you, and I’m sure they’d be able to!”

“I know they could, and I have no doubts of the sincerity of those two,” Ienzo said. “But…to be honest, I’d rather not…the corrupt knights want me dead as much as I do.” All three of us stared at him. “Don’t look so surprised—you heard what I did, right? I’m a murderer; I unhesitatingly killed countless men, women, and children, and even Digimon. I could never ask for forgiveness, and a painful death would be a small gesture at best…I’ve tried many times, but I was too much of a coward to actually do it. I can’t sleep anymore, remembering their screams; I just want it all to end!”

“…Very well.” I turned away, opening the door to Ienzo’s house to leave.

“Thomas…we’re not going to leave him behind, are we?” Zelda asked.

“After all the time we spent looking for him, we’re just going to leave him here?” Statch moaned. “You’re mean!”

“We don’t have any choice; it’s obvious he doesn’t want the protection he’s been offered,” I said, and then turned back to face Ienzo. “We will be back, Ienzo, if our clients desire it, but for now, we shall leave you be.”

“…I understand,” Ienzo said, giving a sad smile as the three of us left.

Lachesis Fortress

1 Hour


It was completely pitch-black outside by the time we made it back to the fortress. As we walked into the fort, we found that most of the guild members had already left the fort. Apollomon, Saias, and Lector were sitting in the same spots they were in when we left. Saias stood up as we entered the lounge, looking at us expectantly.

“We weren’t able to get him to come with us,” I said. “We could have easily forced him to come, though, given that you wished to protect him, I had doubts about hurting him to bring him back with us.”

“I see,” Saias said. “That is quite unfortunate, though I am glad he is still alive. Thank you for going.”

“I’m impressed you were actually able to find him in that short amount of time,” Lector said.

“There is…something else I need to tell you,” I said. “It has to do with what Ienzo was doing. I think it would be best if you knew.”

“You know, we were never actually told about what he was researching,” Lector said.

“This is true,” Saias murmured. “Very well; tell us what it is he did.” Saias sat back down, and Zelda and I sat next to Apollomon, while Statuedramon went to the kitchen as Zelda and I proceeded to tell them what we were told about quintessence.

“…and that’s all Ienzo told us about what he had been doing,” I said. Saias and Lector, even Apollomon, were blankly staring at the two of us.

“I can’t believe…Ienzo would do something like that,” Lector said after a long silence.

“You mean to tell me that something like this has been going on for years by the Valencian military, and not one person has noticed?!” Saias asked. I nodded.

“I feel kind of stupid now…” Lector said.

“How could…how could something like that be allowed to go on for as long as it has? How could something like that be done by us knights, who are sworn to protect the citizens of Arcadia?!” Saias shouted.

“You two…really didn’t know anything about this?” Apollomon asked.

“If we did, you can bet that it wouldn’t be going on anymore!” Lector said.

“Hmm…I have a feeling that may have been why we were never informed…” Saias said. “We only wanted to find Ienzo because we knew he left with some sort of important information…We knew that, knowing a secret like that, if he didn’t choose to go back, he would most certainly be killed. But we never imagined that the secret would be something so…terrible…”

“What are you two going to do now?” Apollomon asked.

“You have been most generous, and we have taken up enough of your time, Sir Apollomon,” Saias said. The two knights stood up and walked toward the exit. “We’ll be heading back to Yew.”

“If you two ever need to speak with us again, please know that you are always welcome here,” Apollomon said, walking over to the two knights. “Don’t ever hesitate to contact us if you feel the need.”

“…Thank you, Apollomon.” Saias shook Apollomon’s hand, and after smiling at Apollomon, he and Lector both left the fortress, the echoing sounds of their footsteps gradually decreasing in volume as they both vanished from sight.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


 hair color: brown
 eye color: brown
 age: 40
 height: 6'02"
 weight: 189
 likes: Saias, Lachesis
 dislikes: other knights
 theme: Blast from the East
Lector is Saias's subordinate, the only other knight in the Valencian Military to share Saias's views, and the only other knight to not dislike Lachesis.
He seems to be a rather paranoid man (in a comical manner) and seems to think other people are able to read his mind.


 hair color: blond
 eye color: green
 age: 35
 height: 6'03"
 weight: 176
 likes: Lector, Lachesis
 dislikes: other knights
 theme: Pokemon Conquest Main Theme
 A just and noble knight aiding Lachesis, in spite of other Valencian Knight's history with the group. He is a Knight Commander, one step away from becoming Grand Master. His dream is to become Grand Master of the Valencian Military so he can change the way the knights behave.

Chapter 14: Their Request


Lachesis Fortress


“These two have a job for us.” Apollomon’s words echoed softly through the large room and were followed by an unsettling silence. We sat on the couch, next to Apollomon, while the two knights sat across from us. For what felt like the longest time, nobody said anything, and during that time, Apollomon stared firmly at the three of us, though in a way that made it seem like he was staring only at me, as if waiting for me to snap, to say something wrong, or simply mess up in any way possible…which was, unfortunately, something I had a tendency to do. Meanwhile, the two knights, Saias and Lector, were sitting on the couch across from us, waiting patiently; they did not fidget, nor did they even glance up at us expectantly for our reply. “Is there a problem?” The question caught me by surprise and shattered the awkward silence of the room.

Great…just fucking great! I thought. Boss is probably going to force us to do this job…

“No, sir, there is no problem,” Thomas said. “It’s just…well, given the circumstances, I was caught off guard by their…sudden visit.”

“Yes, well, one thing has nothing to do with the other,” Apollomon said.

It has everything to do with it! I thought. It took nearly every ounce of self-control to keep myself from screaming the thought at Apollomon. He can’t honestly expect us to help a few knights out after everything they’ve done to us…does he? No…at the very least, there’s no way Thomas would even consider helping these people out…

“…They came here, fully armed, and covered head to toe in armor,” Thomas said. “I believe I at least have the right to question that much, Apollomon.”

“We are currently on duty, good sir,” Saias said calmly. “Our visit is not one that was an order to us, meaning we are not allowed to be here presently. If our commanding officers found out about this, we could very well be executed for treason.”

“Simply for disobeying orders?” Thomas asked. “That’s a little extreme, wouldn’t you say?”

This coming from the ‘Assassin?’” Apollomon laughed.

“Sadly, yes…but, this is the way of the knight,” Saias smiled sadly.

“…So, what job do they have for us?” Thomas asked, looking directly at Apollomon.

“They want you to find someone for them,” Apollomon said. “Do you…wish to accept this job?” Thomas sat, staring at Apollomon, and then at the two knights.

He’s not going to…I mean, there’s no way that he’d actually want to help these people…right?

“We understand that you and everyone else here have had a troubling history with knights like us, and if you don’t feel comfortable taking a job request from us, we will not force you to,” Saias said calmly. “We can always go somewhere else if we are being an inconvenience—”

“No, that will not be necessary.” Apollomon turned to look at us, though it seemed he was staring most intently at me once more. “Thomas will do it…I chose him because I know he would not ever bias a client.” I looked up at Thomas, whose face was without any emotion, as was to be expected of him.

“If we are to do this job,” Thomas began, taking a deep breath. “I will need to know more about it.”

“Yes, of course, Sir,” Saias said. “We will tell you all we know about where we think—”

“Not that,” Thomas interrupted. “Why are we searching for this person? Why do you need him or her to be found?”

“Wait, you’re not actually going to do it, are you?!” I blurted out unintentionally. I jumped off the couch and looked Apollomon straight in the eyes. “What if this is some kind of a trap?! These two are knights, in case you’ve forgotten! There’s no way we can trust them!”

“You needn’t worry. They know what would happen to them if this was a trap,” Apollomon said, speaking calmly. “They know full well that if anything happens to the three of you on this job because of them, they would spend each day trembling in the shadow of our guild for the rest of their lives.” As Apollomon spoke, I looked at the expressions on the faces of the knights and saw not the smallest sign of fear, anger, or worry.

They don’t seem to be concerned. Either they are telling the truth and this really is a job for us, or they aren’t afraid of us…Arrogant bastards probably think they can take us all on with just the two of them. Well, I won’t let that—

“I apologize for the interruption. Now, what are you able to tell us about this person?” Apollomon asked.

“The person we need you to find is a man named Ienzo; he has short brown hair, he’s slightly shorter than me, and he’s a rather thin man, being a non-combatant,” Saias said. “He used to be a scientist working for the military, but he left about four years ago, without any warning; and now, one of our commanding officers wants him to be found.”

“We’d go ourselves, but the two of us specifically weren’t given any orders to find him,” Lector continued. “We don’t have any idea what he worked on before he left, but we can only assume that whatever it was caused him to leave. The higher ups all seem to be pretty angry that he left, so I can only imagine what the knights they’ve deployed to find him have been ordered to do to him once they’ve found him.”

“So, you need us to find him before the other knights do,” Thomas said.

“Correct; and, if possible, bring him back with you,” Saias said. “If he refuses to come back with you, do not force him to do so.”

“So, what do you think?” Apollomon asked. “You will do it…won’t you?”

“…I’ll do it,” Thomas said. He looked over his shoulder at Zelda and me. “What about you? Will you go with me?”

“Of course I’ll go with you,” Zelda smiled. The two turned to look at me expectantly.

Great; if I say no, I’ll look like an even bigger jackass than Garret… “I’ll…go with you,” I said reluctantly. “But only so I can bail you two out when you finally figure out it’s a trap! It’s not like I believe what these knights have to say or anything!”

“Well, whatever the reason, we appreciate your cooperation,” Saias said. “Now, we’ve heard a few rumors saying that Ienzo is living somewhere in Lotisea, presumably in an old or abandoned house; Ienzo wasn’t exactly the kind of person to enjoy the company of others, save for the most beautiful of women. In fact, for the first few months he was gone, there were rumors that he left us solely because there was nobody who fit his standards where he worked.”

“I’ve heard him ramble on and on for hours one time about this one girl he saw just passing by on his way to work,” Lector said.

“He’s been gone for four years, right?” Zelda asked.

“Well, give or take a few months, that’s about how long he’s been gone,” Lector said.

“If he’s been gone for that long, then why have you all been ordered to look for him all of a sudden?” Zelda asked.

“It has recently come to light that he made off with some…rather important information,” Saias said. “Whether it was something he simply knows or something that was written down on paper has still not been made clear to us. The only order that was given was for the deployed knights to find him as soon as possible. I’ve tried asking my superiors more about the situation, but they refuse to speak on the matter.”

“Where’s he supposedly hiding?” Thomas asked. “Surely, they’ve given a more specific area to search than just the entire province of Lotisea.”

“Lector, hand me the map, please,” Saias said. The older knight obeyed, reaching into a small bag at his side and pulling out a small map, which he handed to his superior.

“Let’s see…this fortress is about right here,” Saias gently lay the old map onto the floor, and placed his finger on the point on the map where Lachesis stood. “The rumors we heard said he lives slightly to the east of here, but past the border of Lotisea, and near Ambrosia River.”

“Looks like he’s about an hour away,” Apollomon said.

“Good; this shouldn’t take too long, then,” Thomas said as he and Zelda stood up, and I, reluctantly, began following them toward the fort’s entrance.

“Wait, you’re leaving already?” Saias asked.

“The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can place that man into your protective custody,” Thomas said. “Was there…anything else you needed to tell us?”

“Well…in a manner of speaking,” Saias said nervously. “In addition to the rumors we heard about Ienzo, we also heard a few other unsettling rumors of an incredibly powerful and vicious Digimon nearby.”

“A powerful Digimon? How strong is it?” Thomas smirked.

…I know that look in his eyes. I’ve seen Thomas come out on top in fights with some really strong Digimon before, other than Apollomon and Dianamon. He wants to find that Digimon…

“Like Saias said, this is all rumors, so there’s no way of telling for sure if he’s real or not. All the same, he’s a Digimon you want to be on the lookout for,” Lector said.

“We have no name for him, nor do we even know what he looks like,” Saias said. “All we know is that he uses fire attacks far too powerful for his level, and he’s capable of killing Mega Digimon in only a few attacks at most. This Digimon…he is an enemy to Humans and Digimon alike.”

“Well…Just another reason we need to finish this job as soon as possible,” Thomas said. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

I hope I don’t regret this… I sighed wearily as I followed Thomas and Zelda out of the fort. Both those knights, and a deadly, killer Digimon on the loose…how could life get any worse than this?!



“Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do for you two?” I asked. The entire thirty minutes Thomas, Zelda, and Statuedramon had been gone, the two knights and I hadn’t done so much as speak; rather, we sat facing each other, doing little more than breathe.

“You have been most generous by allowing us to remain here while those three search for Ienzo; it would be remiss of us to impose further upon you,” Saias said. I sighed and looked over my shoulder to my left. The other members of Lachesis were standing as far away as possible from us, though each and every one of them was glaring at the two knights.

“You don’t need to stand so far away,” I said. “They aren’t going to hurt you. Come on; join us!” My comrades gave each other nervous glances, but finally, they relented. Dianamon, Pheragas and BlackGaomon were the first to approach us, though they stopped and sat down at a table about ten feet away from us.

“If our presence is troubling to you, you needn’t come closer if you do not wish to do so,” Saias said. Pheragas didn’t answer him and continued carefully observing the two knights with BlackGaomon. Gradually, with my encouragement, the other members inched their way closer and closer to us when the sound of a person falling and landing on the stone floor caught their attention.

“Did you fall again, Chrysania?” I asked.

“No! I mean, yes! I mean...” Chrysania picked herself up off the ground, brushing the dust off her clothes as she did so.

“Are you okay, sweetie?” Luna asked.

“Chrissy’s okay…she falls all the time, so she’s used to it…” Chrysania tightly grabbed on to Luna’s hand, placing her foster mother between her and the two knights.

“Don’t worry, Chrissy,” Luna said in a barely audible whisper. She pulled Chrysania into a tight hug and began gently stroking the back of the young girl’s hair. “Mommy’s not going to let those two come anywhere near mommy’s little angel.” After a few moments, I glanced back at everyone, seeing that, while they had gotten closer, they all crowded behind Pheragas and Dianamon, both of whom still sat at the table. In fact, the only two who didn’t come any closer were Garret and MetalEtemon. I sighed and looked over at the two knights.

“Please, excuse me for a moment.” I stood up and walked over to Garret. “Is there a problem?”

“Yeah, actually, there is a problem,” Garret said. “I don’t like knights.”

“Yes, I know, nobody here likes Valencian Knights. Everyone here has a reason to hate them,” I sighed. “These two are different, though; can’t you tell?”

“I’m sorry, sir, but I cannot agree with you,” Garret said. “In my book, all knights are the same!”

“I’m surprised you can read that book.”

“…In all honesty, I believe you’ve made a terrible decision, letting those kids go alone to do that so-called ‘job’ of theirs.”

“I know, Garret, but I—”

“You weren’t there!” Garret yelled. “You weren’t there when Adrian was taken away! You didn’t see those knights drag his body away! I was the only one who was there! Not you, not even MetalEtemon! I’m the only one who has to live with the guilt of not having been able to do anything to save him, so don’t tell me how I ought to feel about those two! Come on, MetalEtemon; let’s go!” Garret stormed out of the room in a huff, walking towards the fort’s entrance.

“Apologies, Sir Apollomon,” MetalEtemon said before following after his Human partner.

The Valencian Knights…I know our actions towards them is unjust, but their retribution is worse still. And our group would not even need to do what it does if they would all simply do their job right! I walked back to the lounge, rejoining Saias and Lector. And these two…why are they so different from the other knights we’ve seen? They’re so earnest and intelligent, and they don’t reek of alcohol…

Chapter 13: The Knights Have Arrived

Lachesis HQ
None of the Digimon here seem to have…noticed. This was the thought that barged its way into my mind every time I had gotten rid of it. Or maybe they do? Or maybe their boss will notice, and he won’t let me join…Damn it, Zelda, you shouldn’t have gotten your hopes up! Stupid, stupid, stupid—
Thomas opened the large door and held it for me and Statuedramon to enter the headquarters. In spite of the withered and ancient appearance of the fortress, the door closed shut with a smooth but loud thud. The room was much smaller than the lounge area of the fortress, but still rather spacious, and nearly empty, save for a single bookcase crammed full of books, a desk, and a large bed lining the room’s left wall where a tall Digimon I could only assume was their boss sat, looking at the three of us with interest. Directly across from the door was a large, closed window with a pair of ornately decorated curtains.
“We’re back, boss,” Statuedramon said.
“Statch, Statch, Statch! Where is your sense of adventure?!” the Digimon asked. “You call me boss all the time! Try calling me—”
“I refuse to address you as ‘Your Majesty,’” Statuedramon said dryly.
Or ‘You Highness!’”
“…Glad to see you both made it back,” the large Digimon smiled at Thomas and Statuedramon. “Now, what took so long?”
“I apologize, sir; the rumors we heard about the bandit leader’s whereabouts proved to be false,” Thomas said. “We were able to find him, though; he had taken up residence in Linnea Village.”
“It’s all thanks to this young lady that we were able to do it,” Statuedramon looked over at me as he spoke.
“A pleasure to meet you, Milady,” the Digimon said, standing up. “I am Apollomon the ‘King.’”
“Oh, no; I—I didn’t really do that much,” I said, nervously shaking the large Digimon’s hand. I could feel myself blushing, which made me feel even more nervous.
“It might not seem that way to you, but really, you did a lot,” Thomas said. “If you hadn’t found us, we would have been killed by that Minotarumon for certain.”
“And don’t forget about Candlemon and Meramon,” Statuedramon added. “If you hadn’t summoned Gallantmon, Etemon would’ve killed them for sure!”
“Summoned?” Apollomon looked at me curiously. “Are you perchance…a Summoner?”
“Yes, sir,” I said shyly. Maybe…maybe he doesn’t notice, after all… “And if it isn’t a problem, Mr. Apollomon, sir, I would like to join your guild.”
“…Tell me; why is it you wish to join us?” Apollomon asked.
“I’m looking for my sister,” I replied. “We’ve been separated for over five years, and after traveling nearly all over Arcadia, I haven’t found any sign of her. I thought maybe if I joined a guild like this one, where its members travel around a lot, I might be able to find her easier…”
“Sounds like you’ve been through a lot,” Apollomon said.
“I…don’t have any way of knowing if she’s still alive or not,” I said. “Please, sir…let me join your guild...”
“Okay.” I looked up at the Mega Digimon, startled by his quick response. “You need help; it would be remiss of me to deny you that much, especially after all you’ve done to help out those two, and it’s always nice to have someone like you, who unquestionably cares for her allies, join us.”
“Th—Thank you, sir,” I politely bowed toward Apollomon. “I promise; I’ll do everything I can to be useful to you and your honorable guild!”
“Think nothing of it,” the Mega Digimon said casually. “The reason our group exists is to help out others in need; now, get that memorized.” I nodded. “Take that to heart, and never back down from a challenge, no matter how tough it may be to overcome. Always remember that real power comes from your heart, and is backed by an unwavering courage.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Now, is there anything you’d like me to do for you? Anything you need?” Apollomon asked.
“…No, sir. Not at the moment, sir.”
“Very well, then. But don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything I can do for you, okay?” Zelda nodded. “My dear…I bid you welcome to Lachesis. Welcome, Zelda…the ‘Bishop.’”
“Thank you very much, sir.”
“It’s not a problem at all,” Apollomon smiled. “Statuedramon!”
“Yeah, what is it?” the Rookie asked.
“If you’d be so kind, could you escort this young lady to a suitable lodging?”
“Yes, sir,” Statuedramon gave the larger Digimon a rather lazy salute.
Thomas Kasuto
Statuedramon led Zelda out of the room and up one of the flights of stairs nearby as Apollomon got up off his bed and walked over to the window.
“Aren’t you going with them, Thomas?” he asked me.
“…Under no circumstances is she to be ordered to harm another living being,” I said. “Do I make myself clear?”
“…Are you giving me an order? That’s rich,” Apollomon snorted. When I didn’t say anything, Apollomon turned around. “I never had any intention of turning her into a murderer…like I did with you.”
“With all due respect, sir, it was another who turned me into a killer,” I said. “At the very least, she gave me the ability and the nerve to kill someone, and the weapon to do it with.”
“Fair enough,” Apollomon laughed to himself. “Was that all? Or…was there something else you wished to discuss?”
“Sir…what can you tell me about quintessence?”
Apollomon turned to face me. “And just why would you want to know about something like that?!”
“While we were on our way back from Linnea, we stopped in Cyclamen City. There, we fought a Digimon called Devimon,” I said.
“Devimon? I thought he was just a legend,” Apollomon mused.
“Well, that’s what we all thought about Deckerdramon, but he turned out to be real,” I replied. “The Devimon…he told me he was in Cyclamen to gather quintessence, although he didn’t have the slightest idea what it was, or why he was even gathering it in the stead of another.”
“To be perfectly honest…I don’t know too much about it myself,” Apollomon said. “The only thing my friend told me about it…long ago, he warned me to stay far away from it. Now, the only information I can offer you is the same warning he gave to me all those years ago; Thomas, stay away from quintessence, and anything relating to it. It will only lead to a ruinous end.”
“Understood, sir,” I said. “That is all; if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be retiring to my room with Statuedramon for the night.”
“You are dismissed,” Apollomon said. I bowed to the Mega Digimon before leaving the room. I made my way up the winding, musty staircase of the old fortress and to my bedroom.
That girl…something about her…reminds me of that child I was unable to save. “It’s been 20 years,” I whispered to myself. I stared out my window, stared at the sky, at the slowly setting sun, and the shadows the trees cast on our fortress. “That boy…what was his name again?”
“John.” Somewhat surprised, I turned around and saw Pheragas and BlackGaomon standing in the doorway of my room. “You noticed too, didn’t you?” BlackGaomon asked.
“Vut ah you talking about, BlackGaomon?” Pheragas asked.
“A few years before we met, back when Apollomon, Dianamon, SlashAngemon, and I were the only members of Lachesis, we were tasked with protecting a young child,” BlackGaomon answered.
“The boy was originally from Iris Village, down in Cyprus Wasteland,” I said. “However, a few circumstances led him to Cyclamen City, as he had been run out of his village.”
“He vas run out? Vhy, vut did he do?” Pheragas asked.
“Well…see, the thing is…he didn’t really do anything,” BlackGaomon said. “I don’t really know how to explain it…”
“There is no real or logical way to explain why he was run out; the Digimon of Iris, and later of Cyclamen, just kept saying he was different from the other Humans who lived with them, that…they just sensed something was different about him,” I said. “To be perfectly fair, the four of us all felt somewhat troubled by his presence; we knew he was Human, but…all of our natural Digimon instincts were saying otherwise, that he was Human, and not Human at the same time. In spite of this, we all did our best to protect him…but we failed. We failed to protect that boy, and he was killed; killed for some reason nobody understands…”
“That new girl,” BlackGaomon looked up at me. “She gives off the same kind of…aura that kid did twenty years ago.” I nodded slowly.
“Vut does it mean?” Pheragas asked.
“In all honesty, I don’t have the slightest idea,” I admitted. “From what I’ve seen, though, other Digimon are extremely agitated by the presence of someone like that, and they’re able to convince Humans of the same thing.”
“I wasn’t disturbed,” BlackGaomon said. “I mean, I noticed, but it doesn’t bother me. SlashAngemon and Dianamon also don’t seem to mind her.”
“Do you tink she knows?” Pheragas asked. “Do you tink she knows dat she makes you veel dis vay?”
“…The way she acted when we spoke; she was very timid and quiet. She kept her distance from me, almost as though she were afraid I would attack her,” I said. “Yes…I believe she knows.”
“If she was afraid you would’ve hurt her, then she must’ve really wanted to join us,” BlackGaomon said.
“She wants to find her sister,” I said. “When she was telling me about her situation, she had this look in her eyes…It was the most intense look of determination I had ever seen; I just couldn’t say no to that.”
“If people like dat ah as mistreated as you say day ah…” Pheragas sighed. “She must ‘ave ‘ad a rough childhood…”
“As disturbed as those Digimon were twenty years ago, I can’t imagine them acting differently with her,” I said. “Based on her attire, she seems to be from the desert region…like John was. She must have had to deal with a lot…”
“We can’t allow history to repeat itself,” BlackGaomon said. “Nobody should have to experience what John did…”
“We’ll keep her safe,” I said firmly. “We cannot allow the fate that befell John to happen to Zelda. We will protect her.”
“Understood,” BlackGaomon and Pheragas said. The pair turned to leave just as Dianamon came running into the room, out of breath.
“What’s the matter, Dianamon?” I asked.
“We have…visitors…” she said between breaths. “They…they’re knights.” A dead, awkward silence filled the room.
“Vut do dey vant?” Pheragas asked, his tone dark and serious.
 “If they’ve come to pick a fight, then they’ve—”
“Peace, BlackGaomon,” I interrupted. “Let’s go see what they want.” The four of us left my room and headed for the lounge, where we found two knights standing, waiting patiently near the front entrance of the fortress. As we approached them, I noticed the other members of Lachesis sitting in the lounge as far away from them as possible from the entrance; Pheragas, BlackGaomon, and Dianamon had gone to join them. “The two of you wanted to see me?” I asked, trying my best to sound calm and unaggressive.
“Yes; please, forgive us for interrupting you from you busy schedule,” the younger of the two knights said. He had bright blond hair, was donned in golden armor with a blue cape, and armed with a giant, two-handed sword. His sharp eyes were a piercing green. The man next to him was taller, and dressed in a heavy, black armor. His hair was dark brown, as were his eyes, and he was armed with a thick, but rather short, lance.
“You two…are Valencian Knights, aren’t you?” I asked. The man nodded. “What are your names?”
“Oh, please forgive my rudeness; my name is Saias, and I’m a Knight Commander in the Valencian Military, and this is my subordinate, Lector.” The older-looking man bowed slightly. “I understand…us knights aren’t exactly welcome here at Lachesis, Sir Apollomon, so please forgive me for—”
“No need to apologize,” I said quickly. “If you’d like, you may come in and sit down while you tell us what it is you want.” I led the two knights into the lounge, ignoring the glares I received from the other members of Lachesis as the two knights sat on a couch facing me.
Thomas Kasuto
“So…what should we do tomorrow?” Statuedramon asked. The two of us had been lying on our backs, staring up at the ceiling of my bedroom for the past few minutes and trying to get to sleep, to no avail.
“I don’t know,” I said. “Let’s just see what happens tomorrow, and we can decide from there…” I sat up and looked around my room; as with nearly every part of the castle, the room was gray and made of stone and brick. For a bedroom, it was surprisingly large, and quite spacious. There wasn’t much furniture in the room, with the bed I lay on and the armchair Statch sat in being the only pieces. In the corner of the room was a tall lamp that served as the room’s only source of light, and across from the bed I sat on was a window.
“Think we should go do another job right away?” As I was about to answer, there came a knock on my door.
“Come in!” The large wooden door, worn out with age, creaked open, allowing Zelda to enter my room. “Oh, hello…is there anything I can help you with?”
“Thomas…I just wanted to thank you both again for letting me come with you, and for letting me join your guild,” Zelda said. “It…means a lot to me, having friends like the two of you.”
“Think nothing of it; you helped us, so we helped you,” Statuedramon said. “That’s what friends are for, right?”
“…Yes,” Zelda smiled, and as she reached into her satchel, she pulled something out. “I’d like you to have this necklace, Thomas; it was given to me by my sister, Hannah. All this time I’ve spent away from her, I've let myself believe that it protected me from harm, just as she used to do. Now, I would like to believe that it could protect you, too.”
“Zelda…” I held out my hand and took the necklace; it had a small blue pendant, lined with gold, and was attached to a leather string, thin but sturdy. “Are you certain?”
“I insist.”
“…Thank you. I promise I’ll take really good care of it.” I looked at the clear, crystalline gem at its center, which was glossy and polished enough to reflect my brown eyes. She’s giving me something this…this important to her…She must really trust me to give me something like this…I securely clasped the pendant in my hand as I continued looking into its center.
“How are you enjoying your stay here so far?” Statch asked.
“Oh, it’s wonderful! It’s like I finally have a home!” Zelda exclaimed. “Say…everyone here seems to have a nickname. What are the two of yours?”
“I’m the ‘Assassin,’” I replied. “I sneak up and slit the enemy’s throats from behind. Of course, sometimes, that won’t always work, so I have to fight head on like we did with Etemon.”
“I’m the…the…” Statuedramon hesitated, and muttered something under his breath.
“What was that?”
“I’m the ‘Fool,’ okay?! There, I said it!” The dragon’s face flushed an enraged crimson. “Shut up, Thomas!”
“I didn’t say anything…”
“You were thinking it!”
“…You know me too well, Statuedramon.” I smirked. “The ‘Fool.’”
“It’s a mystery to me,” I said in a sarcastic tone of voice that made Zelda giggle. “So, Zelda, what does your sister look like?”
“My sister? Oh…”
“I’d like to help you look for her, if I can. It’s the least I could do for you.”
“Oh…well…when we were growing up in Adonis Village…people would often say that we looked a lot alike,” Zelda said. “She’s so much prettier than I am, but I guess that isn’t saying very much, is it…”
“What do you mean?” Statuedramon asked.
“Well, I…I’m not very pretty…” She spoke quietly, but I was able to understand what she said.
“What are you talking about? Zelda, you’re beautiful,” I said. Instantly, her cheeks flushed deep scarlet.
“W—What? N—No, I…I’m not!” She placed her hands over her cheeks, and nervously looked at the two of us. “I…I’m ugly…”
“No you’re not,” I said.
“N—No…Really, I…I’m the farthest thing from being beautiful,” Zelda whimpered. “That’s what my mother always used to tell me, anyway, before she was—”
“Well, your mom was wrong,” I interrupted.
“Thomas, ah you in your room?” Pheragas’s loud, booming voice echoed from behind my closed door. The door to my room swung open even further as the large man walked in, accompanied by BlackGaomon.
“Pheragas, why can’t you ever knock?” Statuedramon asked.
“De last time I knocked on a door, I broke it,” Pheragas said. “You all need to come down.”
“Why? What’s going on?” I asked.
“We have company,” BlackGaomon said, cracking his knuckles.  “Very…unwelcome company.”
“You mean—”
“The knights have come,” I said, finishing Statuedramon’s thought. Pheragas nodded. The large man had a dark look in his eyes.
“Please, come vith me.” The large man and his Digimon left my room.
Came on a little too strong back there, pal,” Statch whispered as soon as Zelda left my room.
Give me a break, that was my first time,” I replied. The Rookie laughed, and slapped my back as we both left my room, where we found Zelda waiting for us outside. As we went downstairs, I carefully place the necklace Zelda gave me into my coat pocket.
“What’s going on?” Zelda whispered to me.
“I don’t really know, but stay close,” I answered. “I don’t know why the knights have come here, but if my theory is right…Just stay close. Please.” The three of us walked into the lounge room, where we joined every other member of the guild in the kitchen, save for Apollomon. “Dianamon, what’s going on?”
“Those two are knights,” Dianamon said, carefully observing the two men Apollomon spoke to. “The smaller one is Saias, a Knight Commander in the Valencian Military, and the other one is his subordinate, Lector. That’s about all I know…”
“Can you believe these two?!” Garret scoffed when he noticed us. Jerking his thumb over to the couches where Apollomon and two other men sat, he muttered, “That damn knight; who the hell does that bastard think he is, waltzing in here with his crony like he owns everything in Arcadia? I’d like to shove my axes right up his—”
“Please, do us all a vavor and do not attack dem,” Pheragas sighed. “Dese two knights…dey are quite different from de oder knights ‘oo ve have previously encountered.”
“—and then, when it turns purple, I’d tear it right off!” Garret finished, completely ignoring Pheragas. “Wait…what? What do you mean, different?! ALL of those bastards are the same; no matter what, they can’t be trusted!”
“Yeah, I’m sorry, Pheragas, but afraid I’m going to have to agree with Garret on this,” BlackGaomon said. “I won’t lose my temper and attack them or anything, but…I just can’t agree with you on that.” Pheragas stared down at his Digimon, neither angry nor annoyed.
“Chrissy will never forgive the Valencian Knights; not after what they did to Adrian…” I looked over and saw Chrysania’s small body trembling as Luna walked up behind her and placed a comforting hand on her tiny shoulder.
Five years I’ve known her, and not once have I ever seen her not smiling…
“Yeah, that’s another reason we ought to beat the living hell out of them; they need to answer for what they did to Adrian!” Garret said, raising his voice.
“Ve’ve no proof dat ‘e’s dead, just dat dey took ‘im avay,” Pheragas said.
“Well, even still, they took one of our members, so I say we take one of theirs!” Statuedramon said.
“If we did that, then we’d be no better than them,” I said.
“Thomas, how can you—”
“Will you all shut up so I can hear what they’re saying?!” SlashAngemon asked, carefully observing Apollomon and the two knights. Standing behind him was Irene, hiding her face in between his wings while trying to make herself look as small and unnoticeable as possible, though every now and then, I would see her poke her head around SlashAngemon’s arm to see what was happening.
“So, the only reason you two were sent was because it was your turn?” Apollomon asked. Grinning, he asked, “Is our guild really so troublesome that you need to strategize over who gets to slap us on the wrist next?”
“No, nothing like that at all,” Saias said, sounding as if he were trying not to laugh. “If it were up to Lector and me, no harm would come to you or your group, Sir Apollomon. The two of us have no problem with what you do here, and we in no way support the previous and future actions of our comrades towards you.”
“We understand that you have no reason to either trust or believe us, but it is the truth,” Lector said.
“I…believe what you say,” Apollomon said.
“Damn it, what the hell is the old bastard thinking?! We can’t trust those two!” Garret whispered.
“You have my gratitude, sir,” Saias said. “Now, about that matter we discussed earlier…”
“Oh, yes; Thomas, Statuedramon, get over here!” Apollomon hollered. “Oh, and…you as well, Zelda!” The three of us were given looks of concern by our fellow members as we walked over to Apollomon in the lounge room.
Well, this certainly bodes ill…
“These two have a job for us,” Apollomon said.

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Dianamon is the second-in-command of Lachesis.


 hair color: black
 eye color: blue
 age: 16
 height: 5'00"
 weight: 110
 likes: SlashAngemon
 dislikes: getting yelled at
 theme: Id Sorrow
 An adorably shy girl working at Lachesis, "The Scout" is the quietist person you will ever see - if you can see her, that is, from behind SlashAngemon, the one and only person she does not seem to be shy with. She seems to view him as a father figure. Her quietness, mixed with her speed, does her title justice, enabling her to scout out enemy locations alongside SlashAngemon.


SlashAngemon is the partner Digimon of Irene.


theme: Eternal Bond
BlackGaomon is the partner Digimon of Pheragas Danved.

Pheragas Danved

 hair color: bald
 eye color: black
 age: 45
 height: 6'05"
 weight: 192
 likes: combat
 dislikes: knights
 theme: Intense Sword Training
A large and powerful man, Pheragas fights on the front lines with his partner, BlackGaomon, and his enormous two-handed axe, which he brandishes with only one hand. It has been claimed by Statuedramon that "The Rook" is strong enough to uproot a tree with his bare hands, despite Pheragas's protests.
He speaks in an accent, pronouncing "w's" as "v's", and words like "are" are pronounced like "ah."

Chrysania Rosalina

 hair color: black
 eye color: green
 age: 14
 height: 4'10"
 weight: 108
 likes: Luna
 dislikes: falling
 theme: The Young Sorceress's Foul Mood
A very clumsy and cute girl who falls over a lot, Chrysania is Luna's foster daughter. The two share a close bond, with Chrysania viewing Luna as a mother, in addition to her teacher. "The Apprentice" has a habit of referring to herself in 3rd person as "Chrissy." She's always running around and falling down, wearing an infectious smile on her face at all times. Some, like Garret, find this to be annoying, but they don't have the heart to stop her, as they do secretly like it.
She took an immediate liking to Zelda, viewing her as an older sister figure. Zelda, in turn, adores the clumsy apprentice, viewing her as a little sister. 

Lilithmon's Epic Characters