Sunday, July 26, 2015

Chapter 23: The Dread of Night

Thomas Kasuto

Saias’s Villa

7 Hours


I had been lying in my bed for the longest time, trying to get to sleep. The bedrooms of the villa were very similar to the hotel room I had taken Ienzo to. The bed was very soft and comfortable, and I didn’t even have to share my room with Statuedramon. I stared up at the ceiling. Moonlight shone in through the window, and I could clearly see everything in the room. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but it was no use; I just couldn’t get my mind off what Saias and Lector had told me about Ienzo. I can’t believe he’s dead…who could’ve done that? I kept thinking. Who killed Ienzo? Who— my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door opening. Is that the front door? I climbed out of my bed and quietly walked downstairs to the front door to see someone leaving the house. As I got closer, the person turned to face me.

“Is that you, Sir Thomas?” It was Saias.

“Yeah; where are you going?” I whispered back.

“There’s a small forest behind my villa.” Saias and I walked out the front doors of his house so we could speak louder. “I always walk around that forest whenever I have trouble sleeping.”

“It’s the middle of the night,” I said. Saias laughed.

“Yes, it is, but the moon’s light is quite intense tonight, so I shouldn’t have any problem seeing where I’m going,” Saias said. “Would you like to come with me?”

“Yeah; I haven’t been able to sleep either,” I replied. Saias led me behind his large villa and into the forest. We walked in silence for a few minutes at first.

“So, how do you like being a member of a mercenary guild?” Saias asked.

“It’s…I don’t know how to describe it,” I said. “It’s like…I finally have a family; I’m never alone, and I’m surrounded by all my friends on a daily basis. It’s true that I am required to kill Humans and Digimon, and I was a little shaken up by it at first, but after about five years or so of doing it, I’ve gotten used to it; the only ones Statch and I kill are bandits; cutthroats that take the belongings, and oftentimes the lives, of the innocent, so it’s not like we’re killing people who don’t deserve to die or anything.”

“I see,” Saias said. “I suppose that’s what it must be like to be a knight.” I looked over at him.

“Aren’t you a knight, though? You should know what it’s like to be one,” I said.

“I only wish things were that simple…” Saias sighed. “Though, I presume that’s what being a knight must be like through the eyes of a child aspiring to become one, but believe me, things are never that simple…”

“How come you and Lector don’t hate us?” I asked.

“Well, that’s quite an inane question; why do you and a small number of your guild not hate Lector and me?” Saias asked.

“Knights…they’ve always resented us…I understand why they do, even though all we’re doing is trying to right the wrongs they’ve caused, but…” I clenched my fists tightly. “The knights we’ve encountered before meeting you two…they were the most terrible people we’ve ever met; they dragged off the body of one of my allies one time; I only learned just recently that he was still alive; they nearly killed Pheragas one time, which is how he came to work for us at Lachesis; and I have no doubt about some of the things they’d do to Irene or Zelda if they ever got their hands on them…I can handle all the insults they throw at me, but when they insult or harm one of my friends, I just…see red.”

“As I said earlier, being a knight isn’t as simple as protecting everyone,” Saias said. “I joined the knights because I wanted to do just that. But sometimes, you need to selfishly protect yourself in order to achieve your goals.”

“So, why don’t you two hate us?” I asked. “People give you requests for you to do because nobody else will do them; requests to drive off bandits and the like.”

“A growing number of people across Arcadia are growing to detest us knights for the abysmal work we’ve done,” Saias said. “And not just in Valencia; this applies to knights in Valneva, Shendu, Elphierr, and Cherifia territories as well.”

“Which is why we formed our guild, Lachesis; we steal those requests from the knights before they have a chance to foul everything up, and take the reward away from them, so I can understand why they hate us, so why don’t you or Lector hate us?” I asked.

“Because I agree with what you’re all doing.” Saias looked up at the moon. “So many knights are only knights just so as to get the reward offered by the jobs given, caring little to none about the consequences of their actions, or the safety of the innocents involved. That’s another reason why I became a knight; so I could change the way they all think. If I can become Grand Master of the knights, then I would change the way we do things. I would turn our group into one like yours; one that cares more about the innocents than the reward. Of course, Lector feels the same way, and he joined for the same reasons as I.”

“A dream like that’s going to take a lot of work,” I said.

 “Yes; it’ll be hard enough becoming a Grand Master. Being a Knight Commander, I am one step away from becoming Master, but…so are a few others…”

“…Now that I think about it…the people in the desert province don’t have a system like yours,” I said.

“Yes…I always used to think them lucky for that,” Saias sighed. We continued to walk for a few moments in silence, listening to the leaves crunch beneath our feet and the trickle of a nearby stream, when Saias suddenly stopped and drew his sword.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I heard something,” Saias said. “Something big.”

“It could’ve been a Digimon,” I suggested.

“This feeling…I’ve felt it before…haven’t I? No…it’s different…” The two of us stopped walking; I, too, heard the sound of something moving around the treetops. I could hear my heart racing quicker and quicker as the expression on Saias’s face grew more and more worried. “…Sir Thomas…go back to the villa. If I am not back by morning…tell Lector. Tell him to go back to Yew. Now, go!” Saias quickly walked away, holding his sword tightly as he looked around the forest nervously.

“Like hell I’m leaving him alone.” I whispered to myself as I ran after him. After running for a few minutes, I found Saias in a small clearing in the forest, swinging his sword at the shadows provided by the trees. “Saias!”

“Thomas! Stay back!” Saias shouted, madly swinging his blade at whatever was in the shadows.

You know, you fight well…for a Human…” a voice from the shadows said.

“So, does that make you a Digimon?” Saias asked.

I am neither, and yet I am both at the same time.

No way…I’ve heard that voice before! But…whose voice was it?! C’mon, Thomas, think! I don’t remember it being quite this…intimidating…

“Yeah, like I’d really believe something as ridiculous as that!” Saias grunted. “Thomas, stay out of the shadows!”

Relax; I’ve no intention of harming the boy; you are the only one who will come to harm…Commander Saias.

“If you think that, then you are a fool!” Saias thrusted his sword into the shadows, and a loud, resonating sound echoed, as if something living had been hit, and the voice that had spoken earlier screeched in pain. “Come out of the shadows; I’d like to see the face of the one foolish enough to think he could best me in combat.”

Why don’t you…come here to join me? The shadows are very inviting!” Saias swung his sword once more, and at once I heard him gasp in shock just as a shining, golden spike tore through his back, staining his shirt with blood.

 “SAIAS!” I tried to run over to the knight, but someone grabbed my arm from behind. “Let go, damn it!” I looked over to see who had grabbed me and saw only a shadow wrapped around my arm. I looked over at Saias again just in time to see a pair of glowing yellow eyes in the darkness as whatever it was Saias had fought dragged him into the shadows.

“Thomas…” Saias coughed up a mouthful of blood. “Thomas, listen to me…tell the others…about this…in the morning…tell them to stay away from this forest…tell Lector to…return to the Valencian capital.” The knight once again coughed up blood. “I’m sorry…I wasn’t able to help you out more…and for…being unable to make my dream…a reality…” The last of Saias disappeared into the shadows. The shadows around my arm vanished, as did what appeared to be the shadows of the trees. I ran over to the spot Saias had been just moments ago; not even his blood remained where it had fallen on the previously shadowed grass. I fell to my knees.

Why? I looked up at the moon. Why do friends keep dying? And why isn’t there anything I can do about it?!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Chapter 22: Saias's Villa


Temporary HQ, Yew

3 Days


We had been in this small, cold, dusty old house for what seemed to be years. As I stormed out of the basement for the tenth time that day and into the house’s only room, I suddenly screamed, “When the fuck are we getting out of here?!” Apollomon looked over at me and sighed, though he did so with a sad smile on his face.

“I understand how you feel, Statch,” he said. “Trust me; we all do. We all want to get back to our fortress, but we can’t — not yet, at least.” Apollomon walked over to me, knelt down, and placed his hand over my shoulder. “We’ll go back there as soon as we can — or as soon as Flamedramon is dealt with, okay?” I opened my mouth to say something, but as I did, the house’s front door opened, and Irene and SlashAngemon ran in, quickly closing the door behind them. “Was there a problem?” Apollomon asked.

“We were out buying food as we usually do,” SlashAngemon said. “But…we may have been followed.”

“Did they see you come here?” Apollomon stood up and walked over to a window to look outside.

“We aren’t sure; there were only two of them,” Irene said. “We may have lost them around a corner, but…”

“You don’t need to worry,” Apollomon said, smiling at Irene. “It’s our friends.” Apollomon opened the front door, and to my slight surprise and extreme annoyance, in walked Saias and Lector.

Great, what do they want now? I thought as the two knights were greeted by Apollomon.

“We apologize for the sudden intrusion,” Saias said. “Sir Apollomon, how is Sir Pheragas holding up?”

“Well, he’s still having difficulty moving, but he says the pain isn’t as bad,” Apollomon said. “Also, the burn looks like it’s getting better.”

“That’s good; I was worried about him,” Lector said.

Like hell you were!

“This house seems quite small for a group as large as yours,” Saias said. “If you’d like, I could escort you to a more spacious locale?”

“What do you have in mind?” Apollomon asked.

Please tell me he isn’t actually going to consider this, is he?! I stared at Apollomon. Just because they’ve helped us out doesn’t mean we can trust them; they’re knights, for Arcadia’s sake!

“I have a private villa that none of the other knights know about,” Saias said. “It’s just north of this city, so we’ll be able to exchange information more easily. There’s nobody else residing there, and you won’t have to worry about paying me for the privilege.”

“Speaking of exchanging information…” Apollomon trailed off.

“Yes, we understand; there are things we must discuss with you, as well,” Lector said.

“Would you like for me to take you there?” Saias asked.  

Please don’t say yes! I looked over at Apollomon, who looked as though he were considering Saias’s offer. Whatever you do, just don’t say yes!

“Yes, I think that would be the best idea,” Apollomon said.

Damn it!

“Everyone, even me, has been complaining about the lack of space this house offers; a larger house would be much appreciated,” Apollomon said. “I’ll go let everyone down in the basement know.”

Saias’s Villa

15 Minutes


“Here it is,” Saias said after stopping in front of a mansion-sized house. “This is my villa; please feel free to make yourselves at home while you stay here.” Lector opened the large front doors and allowed us all in.

I gotta say; for a knight, this guy sure knows how to live! We were all escorted by Saias through the villa and into a very large living room, big enough to contain three times as many people as we had in our group and still be large and spacious.

“I hope you find everything to your liking,” Saias said. Turning to look at Pheragas, he gave the large man a concerned look. “Sir, are you all right?”

“I may ‘ave been injured by Flamedramon, but I assure you, good sir, dese vounds are noting to be concerned about,” Pheragas said.

“We’re both feeling better than we were just after the battle against that lizard!” BlackGaomon said.

“Is there…food here?” I asked nervously. Saias laughed.

“Of course there is! The kitchen is over there,” Saias pointed down a hallway. “Help yourself to anything you like, and as much as you like, Sir Statuedramon. The same goes for everyone else, too, of course.”

Well…I may not want to be here, but at least I’ll get free food! In a split second, I ran in the direction Saias pointed.

“Damn it, Statch, you’d better leave some for us!” SlashAngemon hollered after me as he and most of the others followed behind me.

Thomas Kasuto


“You aren’t going to join the others?” Saias asked me. Lector and Apollomon had also stayed behind.

“No, there is something I need to discuss with you,” I said. “About that man that was with you the last time we saw you.”

“That’s most fortunate; there’s something we must discuss with you.” Saias looked at Apollomon. “About Ienzo.”

“You should probably sit down,” Lector said.


5 Minutes


“Chrissy is amazed you ate all that food!” Chrysania said, her mouth and eyes open wide as she stared at me.

“What do you mean? I ate as much as I normally do...” I said, getting a confused look from Chrysania and Statuedramon, who were both sitting at the same table as me.

“You normally eat five helpings each meal every day?! Shit, woman, where do you put it all?!” Statuedramon asked.

“ my stomach...” The look on Chrysania’s face was growing more and more confused.

“But how does your tummy not explode from eating that much? Even if Chrissy's tummy didn't explode from eating that much, her tummy would be thiiiiis big around!” Chrysania spread out her arms as far as she could for extra emphasis. “But Zelda's tummy isn’t big at all! Does it hurt?” She lightly poked my stomach, which tickled, and I had to keep myself from laughing.

Oh, no, I forgot! I can’t let them find out I’m a…Come on, Zelda, think of something…something convincing…“Oh...uh…is it...not normal for people from Celosia to eat this much? Because, I’m actually still kind of hungry...” I turned my face away from the two as my stomach growled with hunger rather loudly. That sounded so stupid! God, I’m such a stupid, useless idiot! I hope that’s a convincing enough lie until I think of a better one… I felt my face turning red.

“You just ate five helping; how are you still hungry?” Statuedramon asked. “I mean, of course I would still be hungry, being a Digimon, but you…what do you have, like, a black hole in the middle of your stomach that absorbs all the food you eat?”

“Do you ever stop being hungry?” Chrysania asked with a concerned look on her face.

“Oh, I do get full; it just takes a lot of food for me to stop being hungry,” I said. Statuedramon sniffled. I looked over at him and saw tears in his eyes. “Are you okay, Statch?!”

“I’m so happy,” he said. “I’ve never once met a Human that understands the painful hunger I have to live with every day! I understand just how you feel, Zelda!”

Thomas Kasuto


“Ienzo is…dead?!” I looked at the two knights in shock.

“We found him dead as soon as we walked into his hotel room,” Saias said. The higher-ranking knight was resting his forehead in his hands. “I apologize…it seems I made you and your friends waste your time for nothing…”

“No, don’t…worry about that,” I said. “Do you know…who did it?”

“No; he was the only one in his room when we entered, and we didn’t see anyone else leaving the room when we were there,” Lector said. “He was stabbed a single time in the chest by a relatively large object; some sort of a spear, maybe.”

“And the man that was with us, Braig…” Saias said. “You said he was capable of fusing Humans and Digimon together?”

“We don’t know for sure, but our ex-comrade, Garret, said it was him,” Apollomon said. “As you said that Braig had taken over Ienzo’s work, I think this could be a possibility.”

“You may be right…” Saias said. “I’ll ask him about it tomorrow. Tonight, I think it would be best if Lector and I stayed here overnight, just in case anything were to happen, and we’ll leave tomorrow morning.”

“I understand,” Apollomon said, turning to look at me. “If that’s all, the two of us should join the others at dinner before Statuedramon eats everything in sight.”

“Yes, of course; we’ve kept you waiting for far too long,” Saias said. Apollomon and I left the room and headed for the kitchen.



“Well, that group certainly is a lot friendlier than what we've been told by the other knights,” Lector said, looking over into the kitchen at the mercenary group. “A lot nicer than some folk at the military we work at, that's for sure...What do you think, General Saias?”

“…The girl...” I muttered, not looking up at Lector.

“Which girl? There was quite a few of them. They were all so pretty and feminine, not like the ladies where we work...”

“The one with the golden hair...Lady Zelda...”

“Yeah, what about her? Oh! You don't think she took offence to when I thought that she looked like an exotic belly dancer or something while we were coming over here, do you? I wasn't trying to be rude; I was trying to compliment her! Belly dancers are so damn sexy! Wait! Oh, shit, that didn't come out right! I should learn when to not think so much! General Saias, sir, please don't tell anyone about this!”

“Uh, no...This isn't about that, and for the last time; there isn’t anyone around who can read your mind,” I gave Lector a weird look. “While we were talking to Sir Thomas about Ienzo, did you...happen to overhear the conversation she had with the witch’s apprentice and Sir Statuedramon?”

“Yeah, it was kind of hard not to laugh when Statuedramon started crying like that...” Lector laughed.

“No…not that…”

“Oh...then, do you mean how she wolfed down all that food like it was nothing, and was still hungry? Yeah, couldn't believe that myself.”

“I couldn’t believe it either, Lector,” I said. An unusually serious expression appeared on Lector’s face.

“ don't think—”

“That's exactly what I think, Lector. She's exactly like me, down to the same voracious appetite. You know how other Digimon notice how I’m different, right? Since I have it, I can also tell who else might have one; trust me, Lector.”

“But...I didn't see it anywhere on her!”

“That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have it. Perhaps she doesn't wish for her allies to know. I don't blame her; it’s scary, being unwillingly born as something that every living thing in the world views as a taboo. It's a worrisome thought, losing all the friends who care about you and love you, and I’d rather not see that kind, innocent young woman experience such pain.”

“But, Saias,” Lector interrupted. “You told me about yourself, and I didn't fear, loathe, or hate you! You're my commanding officer, but my best friend first and foremost.”

“'re right, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I can only hope that woman has friends like you in their organization.”

“I’ve got another question, Saias,” Lector said. “It’s about what Flamedramon told you a few days ago. He said that you were like him…what did he—”

“I can only assume that he has it, too,” I said. “But Flamedramon…he has an even more distinct presence, different from me or that girl. I’m not sure what to think about him…”

“So...what should we do? About Zelda?”

“Nothing. If she doesn't want her friends to know, then we will respect her wishes and say nothing.”

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Chapter 21: Temporary HQ

Thomas Kasuto

Forest Surrounding Lachesis HQ

3 Days


It felt like it had been ages since any of us had been back at Lachesis, and no matter how many times I walked through the forest surrounding the fort, it always seemed to take forever to find it. Maybe it was because all of the trees looked exactly the same, although I suspect it had something to do with the fact that Statuedramon kept on tripping over the trees’ roots.

“I that’s how Garret died,” Irene said, somberly walking between Zelda and me. “I always knew he was…different than everyone else at Lachesis, but I never thought he would do something so horrible to MetalEtemon…” Zelda gently placed her hand on the younger girl’s shoulder.

“Personally, I’m just amazed he died in combat,” Statuedramon said. “I always figured he’d end up in a ditch somewhere and soaked in rum…Damn it, why’d we have to pick a forest fortress to live in?!”

“I have a feeling everyone else did, too,” Irene said, failing to notice that Statch had tripped once again. “…After those two large trees up ahead, we should reach the clearing where Lachesis is.”

“I’m glad you’re with us, Irene; I’d have gotten us lost if I were leading,” Statuedramon said. As we passed the trees, we did indeed find the clearing; however, what little grass there was in the clearing was all black, as if it had been burnt, as were a few of the surrounding trees.

“What the hell…what the hell happened here?!” Statuedramon yelled. As we approached our fort, Statch looked up, then dropped his shield; his face was angrier than I ever remembered it being. My heart sank when I saw what Statuedramon was yelling at; the fortress that served as Lachesis’s HQ — the place all members of Lachesis had called home — had been burned completely to the ground, leaving nothing but a large pile of charred rubble and debris.

“Who…did this?” Irene asked tearfully, looking away from the sight as Zelda pulled her into a hug.

“Who else would’ve done it?! It had to have been the knights!” Statuedramon said.

“It could have been Flamedramon,” I suggested. “He destroyed the knights’ armory by fire, remember?”

“No…it was the knights,” Statuedramon said through his teeth. “The knights think we were the ones who set their armory on fire; of course they would want to get revenge! Also, the knights are the only ones who know where this fort was; it was them, damn it!” Statch clenched his fists so tightly, his sharp claws dug into the palms of his hands and they began to bleed. “It…it had to have been them…” Statuedramon fell to his hands and knees, sobbing. “Right…?”

“No need to be sad; it’s not like any of us were killed when it happened,” a voice from above us said.

“SlashAngemon!” Statuedramon leapt to his feet and ran up to the Mega Digimon as he flew down behind us.

“Are you sure? Nobody was hurt or anything?” Zelda asked.

“Yeah, and everyone’s present and accounted for,” SlashAngemon said. “Well…Pheragas told us about what happened to Garret and MetalEtemon…”

“Pheragas made it back okay?” I asked.

“Well, he made it back, but he and BlackGaomon are both kind of beat up.” SlashAngemon turned and looked at the destroyed fortress, sighing. “Well, why don’t I take you all to our temporary HQ? You lot and Apollomon can exchange information.”

“Wait; what happened here?” I asked.

“It was just as you said, Thomas,” SlashAngemon said. “Flamedramon did it.”

“That bastard! I knew it had to have been him!” Statch yelled.

“Of course you did,” SlashAngemon shook his head. “Well, come on; everyone’s waiting for us.”


10 Minutes


This is where we’re staying?!” Statuedramon asked.

“True, it’s not much to look at, but this way, the knights won’t know where we are,” SlashAngemon said, opening the door of a small, worn-down, and rather old-looking brick house.

The door had windows on its upper half, but several of them were broken. “On the plus side, there is a basement, giving us a little more room. Also, from what we’ve been told, nobody’s lived here for a while, so we may not have to worry about paying rent or anything.” SlashAngemon led us inside to a small, dusty room with a wood plank floor. In the room was a small couch, along with two small wood tables surround by chairs.

“Welcome back,” Luna said, sitting at one of the tables next to Chrysania. “Pheragas and BlackGaomon are still in the basement with the others.”

“I see.” SlashAngemon sighed wearily, and then pointed toward a hallway with one of his arms. “The basement door is straight ahead; you should all speak with Apollomon now.” Zelda, Irene, Statuedramon, and I went in the direction SlashAngemon pointed, through the door he mentioned and down the stairs into the basement. Pheragas and BlackGaomon were lying on their backs, and both were covered in bandages and minor burns. Apollomon and Dianamon sat on the basement’s floor, looking up at us as we came in.

“Mission accomplished, I presume?” Apollomon asked wearily.

“Yeah, we got Ienzo to Paeonia Town; Saias and Lector should be there by now,” I said.

“Forgive me…” Pheragas said weakly.

“Don’t talk; you need to save your energy,” Dianamon said.

“It’s our fault…the fort was destroyed…” BlackGaomon said as he and Pheragas sat up with an effort.

“If ve ‘ad finished off Flamedramon vhen ve ‘ad de chance, ‘e vould not ‘ave followed us back to Lachesis,” Pheragas said.

“Nobody blames either of you for what happened, Pheragas, BlackGaomon,” Dianamon said. “We’re just glad the two of you are still alive after fighting a Digimon that could have easily killed me or SlashAngemon…or even Apollomon…”

“We also heard…about what happened to Garret and MetalEtemon,” Apollomon was looking down at the ground steadily.

“How much have you heard?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” Apollomon looked up at me.

“Apollomon, Garret murdered MetalEtemon,” I said. Apollomon and Dianamon stared at me. “That man that was with Saias and Lector, he was somehow able to convince Garret to murder MetalEtemon; he then gathered up his data and injected it into Garret’s blood!”

“…What?!” Apollomon stood up and walked over to me. “You…you must be joking! Garret might have been a lot of things, but he would never murder—”

“After he was injected with MetalEtemon’s data, he was given something called a ‘Bio Link Digivice’ that he used to turn himself into MetalEtemon.” After I spoke, there was silence for a few minutes.

“Garret…really did something like that?” Irene asked. I nodded.

“He thought he would be strong enough to fight Flamedramon, but he was killed in a single attack,” Statuedramon said.

“And you say that strange man that was with Saias and Lector was the one who did it?” Apollomon asked. “He turned Garret into a…a monster?!”

“That’s what Garret said, but for all we know, he could have been lying,” Zelda said.

“Yeah, Garret does tend to do that,” Statch said.  “But one look into that old man’s eyes and I knew immediately that he was trouble.”

“Saias did say he was Ienzo’s replacement,” Apollomon mused. “It’s highly likely that Garret was telling the truth.” Apollomon sighed.

“What should we do, boss?” I asked.

“I’m not sure…we’ll have to stay here for a while; we can’t go back to where the fort used to be if Flamedramon knows where it is; not to mention, it’s been completely destroyed,” Apollomon said. “We’ll just have to stay here for a while…”

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Chapter 20: Next to be Lost

Pheragas Danved

Outside Lachesis HQ


“We’re almost there, Pheragas,” Dianamon said.

“Dank you…Dianamon…” I had nearly lost consciousness as Dianamon half-carried and half-dragged me all the way back to the fortress. The severe burning pain in my chest was not as intense as it had been, but was still enough to labour my breathing and make it difficult to stay conscious.

“Hey, Apollomon, we’ve got a problem!” BlackGaomon shouted as he ran into the fort. Dianamon dragged my limp body over to the nearest couch and instantly set me down on it, and Apollomon was soon at my side.

“What happened? Is he okay?!” Apollomon asked.

“He’s fine; he just got hit in the chest by a fireball from Flamedramon!” BlackGaomon said.

Fine?! That’s not fine! He’s lucky to still be alive!” Apollomon shouted. “Luna, go get him something to clean up that wound!”

“Yes sir!” I heard Luna run up the stairs of the fort as fast as she could.

“What happened? Where are Thomas and the others?” Saias asked.

“Thomas vas able to find Ienzo,” I said weakly. “Dey should be in Yew by now…looking for Irene…Flamedramon attacked dem, he…killed Garret…” An uncomfortable silence filled the room.

“Garret…is dead?” Apollomon whispered. I nodded slowly.

“He almost…killed dem…and me…Dianamon came just in time…Thomas and de oders vere able to escape in time…” 

“Apollomon!” Luna ran into the lounge, breathing heavily. “FIRE!”

“What?!” Apollomon looked toward the witch; her golden eyes were wide with panic.

“I tried…to put it out…but nothing worked! We have to get out of here — now!”

“Damn it, Flamedramon must’ve followed us!” Dianamon said. “I should’ve killed him when I had the chance!”

“Don’t worry about that now; everyone, get out!” Apollomon yelled. With a little help from Saias and Lector, I was able to get off the couch and run out with everyone else. Standing in front of the fort’s entrance was none other than Flamedramon.

“Who wants to die first?” Flamedramon asked. “Perhaps you would like to go first,” Flamedramon pointed at me. “I always like to finish whatever I start.”

“Nobody has to die today, Flamedramon,” Apollomon said. “We can talk about this if you’d—”

“The time for talking ended twenty years ago, Apollomon!” Flamedramon said. “Flame Fist!”

“Solblaster!” Apollomon opened up his palm toward the sky and created a flaming orb in the center of his hand. Flamedramon’s attack struck the orb, causing it to swell drastically and increase in size. Apollomon then launched the orb, which, at this point, had grown to be even bigger than Apollomon, at Flamedramon. With nowhere to run, Flamedramon stood and embraced the attack, the brightly shining flames enveloping his entire body.

“Hmph. Not bad…been quite a while since I’ve felt an attack from a Digimon quite as strong as this,” Flamedramon walked through the flames, completely unsinged, glaring at Apollomon. “You could’ve prevented this, Apollomon. If you had just done your job, someone like me would never have been born.”

“What are you talking about?!” Apollomon asked.

“Flame Fist!” Flamedramon unleashed a stream of flames from his claws; all of us ducked, and Flamedramon’s attack instead hit the fortress. The entire fort became wrapped in flames, forever disfigured by their glare and destructiveness as it crumpled to the ground in a burned-down heap.

“You bastard! Arrow of Apollo!”

“Fire Rocket!” Apollomon launched two flaming arrows from the jewels on his hands, which Flamedramon allowed to hit him as he became enveloped in his own flames before leaping through the air towards Apollomon.

“ENOUGH!” Saias shouted, stepping between Apollomon and Flamedramon. “If you want to fight someone, let it be me!” Flamedramon fell to the ground, landing on his feet.

“Saias…you’re no match for him!” Apollomon said.

“That’s not important,” Saias said. “It is the job of us knights to protect people. If we had just done our job right…maybe this could all have been avoided…” Saias brandished his large sword at Flamedramon, who began backing away from the knight.

“You…you are just like me,” Flamedramon whispered.

“What do you mean by that?!” Saias asked quickly. Flamedramon, however, began to walk away. “Hey, get back here!”

“There is no sense in fighting someone who is just like me,” Flamedramon said before vanishing from sight.

“Saias…what does he mean by that?” Lector asked.

“I don’t know…” Saias said. “But we should not worry about that right now. Apollomon…what are you going to do?” The Mega Digimon turned around to stare at the fortress; the flames had not yet dissipated, and they had already savagely destroyed the building.

“There’s…nothing much we can do,” Apollomon said softly. “This fortress has been destroyed. However, it was only a building for us to reside in; Lachesis is made out of its members, not their dwelling. Flamedramon…has accomplished nothing.”

“Except for making us all homeless,” BlackGaomon noted.

“You don’t have…anywhere else you can stay?” Saias asked.

“There is one place,” SlashAngemon said. “When I’m in Yew with Irene, we always notice this one house that everyone else seems to avoid going near; we’ve heard them say it’s been abandoned for years, and nobody wants to go near it. They seem to think it’s haunted. We could stay there for a little while.”

“I…suppose we don’t have any other choice,” Apollomon said.

“I know the house of which you speak, and I can assure you that it is not, in fact, haunted; after Lector and I return from Paeonia, perhaps we could visit you for…relocation purposes?” Saias asked.

“…What’s wrong with that house?” Apollomon asked.

“Nothing’s wrong with it; it’s just rather old, and it might not be large enough.”

“Very well; we accept your offer,” Apollomon said. “SlashAngemon, lead the way to that house.”

“Lector, we need to get going if we’re going to make it to Paeonia in time,” Saias said.
“I hope those kids were able to get Ienzo there without any problem,” Lector said.
“You have nothing to worry about,” Apollomon said. “All things considered, Thomas is probably the most dependable member of Lachesis there is. He may not be as strong as me or Pheragas, but in a battle, there’s no one I’d rather have at my side than him.”


Paeonia Town

Elphierr Territory

2 Days


The town Thomas and his friends had taken me to was rather small, but I immediately felt right at home. A further sense of relief washed over me when I realized that nobody here would be able to recognize me. I was exhausted from the nonstop walking through Cyprus Desert, and my clothes were covered in sand, as were the clothes of the others and Statuedramon’s armor. At the moment, I was simply thankful that I was being led through a hotel, apparently called the Eucalyptus Hotel, to my very own room.

“Saias and Lector have already taken care of the payment, so you don’t need to worry about money, and that includes the bar downstairs.”

There’s a bar downstairs?! Chick city, here I come!

“They should be here in a few hours, if I remember what they said correctly,” Irene said. Over the past two days, I noticed that she was talking quite a bit louder than she was when I first met her. I could tell she was beginning to feel less shy, but her face would immediately turn red, and she would try to hide it from sight whenever I attempted to flirt with her. The scoldings from Statuedramon were always worth it, though. The punches in the face, not so much, and the kicks in the groin, even less. I made a pass at Zelda once, but when Thomas began glaring daggers at me, I felt that my life was in danger, and I immediately stopped, figuring that the two might be a couple. I noticed the way they looked at each other when they thought the other wasn’t looking, and I didn’t want to interrupt anything that may or may not be occurring. I might be lecherous, but I wouldn’t ever try taking another man’s woman. At least, not on purpose…

“This hotel’s pretty nice for such a small town,” Statuedramon noted. We had to walk up three flights of stairs before we finally made it to my room. There were two large beds, and a single, short dresser with a lamp between them. A huge, glass window replaced the wall to our opposite side, and a glass door led to an outdoor balcony constructed of white stones.

“Thank you for all of this,” I said, looking at Irene, Thomas, Zelda, and Statuedramon. “You could have all just left me to die like I wanted, but instead you all worked hard to save my life. I…I don’t know what to say…”

“You don’t need to say anything,” Statuedramon said. “It’s all part of being a mercenary; we all help those in need!”

“A very simple, but very admirable philosophy,” I said. “If only the Valencian Knights had a similar one…besides Saias and Lector, of course.”

“Here’s the key to your room.” Irene handed me a small, bronze key. “If there’s anything you need to know, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Lachesis, okay?”

“Well, I’d hate to inconvenience you, especially after all that you’ve done, but if you’re offering, it would be rude of me to refuse, wouldn’t it?” I asked. We all said our goodbyes, and the four soon left and I made my way to my room and closed the door behind me. Then I sat down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

Hmm…What should I do while I’m waiting for Saias and Lector? An idea instantly popped into my head, and I sat up. “At a time like this, there’s but one thing to do; go to the bar downstairs and pick up some chicks!” I smiled at my own brilliance and left my room, walking back down all three flights of stairs and into the bar past the lobby. There were quite a few people there, including two or three Digimon, but not enough for it to be considered crowded. I ordered a small glass of wine from the friendly bartender, and looked around at my options. A young blonde woman in a blue midriff top, vaguely reminding me of Zelda, was walking by. Oh, goody! I just can’t say no to a bare midriff! I brushed my hair back just as she passed by, and to my astonishment, she ignored me, and continued walking by. After half a second of dejection, I noticed another young woman, clad in a very short and very tight red dress sitting close by. I smiled at her, but she walked away after paying the bartender. I sulked.

“Aw, don’t feel too bad, bud,” the rotund, mustached barkeep said with a smile. “You’ll find one soon; just don’t lose hope!”

“Heh. Thanks for that,” I laughed. “Though, I might need a few more of these if all doesn’t go well…”

“You got it, bud!” the barkeep set the bottle of blood-red wine nearby. I sighed. After a few minutes, another woman sat down on a stool to my left.

“You shouldn’t look so discouraged, you know,” she whispered into my ear. “You look much more handsome when you’re smiling.” I looked over my shoulder at her; long blonde hair, and garbed in a dark cape. Her eyes were red, but what caught my attention the most were here fairly large breasts emphasized by a low-cut top that revealed an ample amount of cleavage, in addition to her navel and a small portion of her midriff. It took every ounce of self-control to keep myself from…from grabbing her…from fondling her…

“See, what’d I tell ya?” I heard the barkeep whisper happily to himself.

“Would you care to tell me your name, love?” the woman asked.

“I…I’m…Ienzo…” She was so incredibly beautiful that I could barely speak. I continued looking at her. Her gray skirt fell to her mid-thighs, leaving the rest of her legs exposed. She wore red, open-toed high heels to complete the perfect visage of her magnificent beauty. I was in complete shock.

“Ienzo…such a lovely name,” she said. “My name is Abigail.”


“Shhh…you don’t need to talk,” she whispered, placing a finger over my lips. Her fingernails had been filed into razor-sharp points, and resembled claws, and the one she placed over my mouth nearly cut my lip. “I can see that you’re scared, but you don’t need to worry. I know just how to deal with anxiety. Would you care to…show me your room?”

“F—For…what?” Abigail smiled. She slowly and seductively slid her hand down the side of her stomach and down to the waist of her skirt, which she pulled down ever so slightly. The black of her panties contrasted well with the light gray of her skirt and the pale skin of her belly. “I…seem to have gotten locked out of my room. Could you maybe…let me stay in your room for a while?”

“I…would be happy to,” I said breathlessly. I stood up, and instantly fell to the floor, making Abigail giggle in a very cute manner. I stood straight back up very stiffly. My legs were shaking, so to keep from falling down again, I had no choice but to walk without bending my knees. Up three flights of stairs. It was exhausting enough climbing those stairs while I was bending my knees, but not bending them made it a trying task to be sure. After what felt like an eternity, I finally lead Abigail into my room, and closed the door behind me. Abigail promptly plopped down on one of the beds, directly facing me. She smiled lovingly at me as she held her legs up in the air. I slowly and carefully removed her shoes, gently brushing my fingers across and through her toes as I did, an act which made her laugh gently.

“You are such a gentleman, Ienzo,” Abigail whispered as I removed my own shoes and socks. “And now that we’re up here…there’s something I need to tell you…It’s very naughty…” I swallowed nervously, and nearly choked.

“Y—Yes…? W—What is it?” Abigail’s lovely red lips twisted into a smile. I gasped when I saw what I thought was a fang protruding from her slightly parted lips. I leaped into the air when I heard the closed door behind my open with a loud bang. A tall and muscular young man barged into my room and quietly shut the door behind him.

“Pardon for the intrusion, Ienzo,” the man said. “The name’s Adrian.”

“Is there…anything I can do for you?” I asked. Abigail stood up and placed her bare feet over mine, interlacing her toes between mine. Her skin was soft and cool, and it was a very pleasant sensation, though not as comforting as the feeling of her cheek resting against mine, or the feeling of her fingers running through my hair.

“Yes, this is definitely him,” Adrian said. “You did a good job of findin’ him, Abigail.”

“I—I don’t understand,” I said.

“Aww, don’t worry,” Abigail cooed, brushing her hand against my face. “You are pleased to meet me, though, aren’t you? You should thank Flamedramon for our little union; I was ordered to follow him around when my master ordered me to tail after you.”

“Same with me,” Adrian said. “I was ordered to watch after those kids when I got the same order.”

“Those kids…you mean Thomas and the others?!” I asked. “Anyway, how do you know my name?!”

“Oh, silly me, have I said too much?” Abigail asked.

“What do you two want with me?!” I asked. Begrudgingly, I tore myself away from Abigail, who cast me a look of hurt. However, I was beginning to suspect that it was a feigned one.

“You know far too much about quintessence, pal,” Adrian shrugged. “If that information fell into the wrong hands…like, for example, Flamedramon…well, we’d be in a lot of trouble.”

“…Are you here to silence me?” I sat back down on my bed.

“Last we heard, you were praying that someone would come kill you,” Abigail said. “Come here…I’ll make it…pleasant for you.” Abigail sat down next to me. She gently placed her hand around the side of my neck and pulled me closer to her. Her lips came into contact with the side of my face. The feeling left me tingling, and yet, I forced myself to pull away again.

“You brought me up here so you could kill me?!” I yelled. “Where nobody would see…”

“Aw…you don’t want to die?” Abigail asked.

“A few days ago, I would’ve jumped at the chance, but after seeing all the trouble Thomas and the others went through to save my ass…” I shook my head. “I couldn’t…dishonor them like that…”

“Oh, it appears our future victim needs some convincing…” Once more, she slid her hand down the side of her stomach and pulled down the waist of her skirt to show me a glimpse of her panties. “Stand up, and I’ll show you a little more.” With her other hand, Abigail lowered the top of her shirt lower down her chest to further expose her ample cleavage. It was tempting; believe me, I wanted to see more. However, I remembered what I said earlier, and continued to sit on my bed, not moving an inch. “Well, now…this is quite boring; I’d heard rumors you were as lecherous as our comrade, Magnus, and here you are, resisting me? I haven’t lost my touch, have I, Adrian?”

“Hell, you’re making me want to stand up, and I’m already standing.” Adrian was gazing absorbedly at Abigail.

“Oh, well; I suppose we’ll just have to do this the old fashioned way,” Abigail said. “Shame; I hate working up a sweat.”

“You can always take a cold shower after this; a nice place like this is sure to have them.” Abigail turned to face me.

“Yes…just imagine me taking a nice, cold shower…” Abigail whispered into my ear. “Just imagine all that cold water running down my naked body…Imagine yourself lathering me up with soap…it’ll take your mind off the pain…” The next thing I knew, the room became filled with a blinding, white light, and after that, nothing.


Eucalyptus Hotel

Five Minutes


“This is a really nice hotel; we should look in to booking a room or two for us,” Lector said as we walked up the hotel’s sole staircase.

“Let’s see…room 398…that was Ienzo’s, right?” I asked.

“Yep; here’s a spare key to his room that I got from the concierge up front.” Lector handed me a key. We soon came to room 398, only to find the door slightly open. “What’s going on? Why is the door open?” Lector opened the door and as we walked in, we were greeted by the thick, irony smell of blood. I looked down at the floor, and gasped. There, lying on his back on the floor, was the lifeless body of Ienzo with a gaping hole in his chest. “W—what the hell happened?! Who did this?!” All I could do was shake my head.

“We’re too late…the other knights must’ve found him before we got here,” I said. “But how did they know? How could they have found out?” I fell to my knees next to Ienzo’s body. “Ienzo…this is all my fault. We were just trying to protect you…why did this have to happen to you when we were trying so hard to protect you?!”

“Commander Saias, what should we do?” Lector asked. His face had gone completely pale.

“I don’t know…we should at least give him a proper burial,” I said. Who could’ve done this?! What the hell is going on?! Is this some kind of a message left by the other knights? “…Let’s go…Lector. We need to bury him.”

“…Yeah…Damn it! And after those poor kids worked so hard to get him here, too!” Lector spat.