Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Chapter 83: Gathering Information

Thomas Kasuto

Saias’s Villa

Living Room


“Dianamon and Pheragas…are both dead,” Apollomon repeated.

“W—what…you…you mean…” BlackGaomon grabbed his head as it shook in disbelief, and he collapsed to his knees.

“They’re both…dead?” Chrysania asked tearfully as Luna placed her arms around the young girl.

…Something…isn’t right…

“No…no, that can’t be!” Statuedramon exclaimed, dropping his sword and shield to the floor as he gazed up at the near-lachrymose Mega level.

Something’s…just not right…Why would Apollomon be here? Zelda looked up at me, teary-eyed and frightened before pressing her face up against my arm. He…doesn’t look very—

“Who did it?!” Statuedramon asked. “Who killed our friends?!”

“Oh…it was…the Bio Hybrids,” Apollomon said. “It was just the two of them. They…they allowed me go, so I did…”

I looked away from him. “…Pathetic. Our friends get killed, and you just come crawling back here without tearing the heads off of those bastards? They just let you go?” I demanded.

“Thomas!” Statch gave me an angry glare.

“They…they did let me go,” Apollomon said. “There was nothing I could do to help them…”

“Even though you’re a Mega level Digimon capable of easily overpowering those two? Did you just stand there and watch while our friends were killed?!”

“Thomas, that’s enough!” BlackGaomon said.

“I…I need to get some rest,” Apollomon said. I watched him with narrowed eyes as he walked up the villa’s stairs.

“…You didn’t need to say any of that,” BlackGaomon said after a moment. I sighed quietly and began to leave the room. “Hey, where are you going?! If you’re going to antagonize the Boss any further, then I won’t—”

“Let me?” I asked derisively. “Apollomon is back, BlackGaomon, so you are no longer in charge.”

Once at the top of the stairs, I walked into Apollomon’s empty bedroom and closed the door behind me. I was surprised by how late it had gotten; I could see through the window that Apollomon now looked out that the sun had set entirely, and the moon had just begun its slow ascent to the middle of the sky. “You aren’t covered in wounds, Apollomon.”

“…They…they let me go, Thomas,” Apollomon said. “I…didn’t have to fight—”

“So, you’re just going to let me believe that they were killed while you stood there and did nothing?! Damn it, Apollomon, how much do our friendships mean to you?!”

“They…mean everything to me. You know that, don’t you…Thomas?”

“I don’t know who the hell you think you are, Apollomon, but…the real Apollomon has a large scar on his back that he received as a lance wound from a knight called Lector.”

Apollomon’s head turned around to look at me, grinning. “Oh…is that so? My, my, my…how frightfully careless of me to forget! How embarrassing…I usually have quite the eye for detail; since it was a creature of the male gender, I paid not as much attention as I do to the ladies.” Before my very eyes, a scar began to materialize on the Mega level’s back. “Is that better?”


“Thou art…quite an intriguing individual, Thomas,” DeathPhantomon said, changing his shape from that of Apollomon to his cloaked, scythe-wielding form. “Thou wast never fooled by a mere illusion…but how could thou see through it, I wonder?”

“Isn’t it obvious by now? Apollomon would never—” 

“Yes, I am quite aware of Apollomon’s benevolent reputation,” DeathPhantomon interrupted. “But when thou first laid thy eyes upon me…even then, thou had suspicions as to the true identity of what you saw! Thy words, thine actions! How couldst thou be aware of whom I really was at the time?!”

“That…was a test; truly, I thank you for falling for it,” I said. “I know what you are capable of, DeathPhantomon…from the endless nightmares to the form changing. I knew you would use that ability to your advantage somehow. If you really were Apollomon, I’d have been punched in the face for talking to you like that.”

“So…thou risked getting attacked in order to find out if what you saw was really me or not,” DeathPhantomon laughed. “Thou holds fear in thy heart for me, do you not?”

“I know about your abilities…all your special tricks, and all of your weaknesses, but that doesn’t mean I know of a way to counter them all,” I replied. “So…Pheragas and Dianamon aren’t really dead, I take it.”

“How would I know? I’ve never come in contact with the brutes,” DeathPhantomon said. “For all the knowledge I possess, they could very well live. As you know, I have somewhat of an aversion to Digimon who use fire attacks. I just combust so easily; made almost entirely of cloth, if thou weren’t aware.”

He took the bait. Again. What a fool…Should I try getting more out of him…? “That’s a badass-looking scythe you’ve got there.”

DeathPhantomon held up his weapon, and I could hear him laugh slightly. “Yes, I suppose it does have its own unique charm, does it not? Oh, how I cannot wait to make Lilithmon scream and shriek and cry with this! What part of her should I jab its blade into first, do you think? I wouldn’t wish her dead, so perchance an arm or a leg? Or perhaps I could rake it across her back…? Oh, but I’m also fond of navel torture, and Lilithmon has such a cute one, after all…Decisions, decisions, decisions…”

“…I would be very willing to bet that there isn’t a Digimon around who could defeat you in combat as long as you have that scythe,” I said. “And I’m not even a betting person!”

“Oh, yeah? Well, thou would be wrong!” DeathPhantomon snickered. “Fire attacks completely burn through me! Also, if this crystal sphere around my neck gets pierced, I’m done for. Thou claims to know everything about me, and yet failed to know this much?”

“…You’re right. I didn’t know that,” I said. “But thanks so much for telling me everything I needed to know.” DeathPhantomon turned to face me just as I drew out my sword and thrust it into the crystal sphere hanging from his neck. In an instant, he fell to the ground, dead and turning into small specks of data. “Cannot be defeated by conventional means…seems that that equates to fighting dirty.” I laughed to myself as I sheathed my blade. “Well, I certainly don’t mind adopting a wily fighting style if it means we’ll all have an easier time defeating Lilithmon and her cohorts.”

“Thomas, what just—” BlackGaomon barged into the room and fell silent upon noticing I was the only one in it. “Where is Apollomon?! Thomas, what have you done to him?!”

“Apollomon…was never here,” I said. “That was DeathPhantomon.”

“What?! So then—”

“Dianamon and Pheragas are fine, BlackGaomon. DeathPhantomon never came into contact with them and Apollomon, and I seriously doubt the Bio Hybrids would, either, considering how powerful Apollomon is.”

“…And you’re sure that was DeathPhantomon, and not Apollomon?” BlackGaomon began cracking his knuckles.

“Yes, I’m certain; he turned into his ghostly form and we spoke for a bit.”

“…Well, all right. We’d better head downstairs and explain to Chrysania that they aren’t really dead,” BlackGaomon said. “She’s been crying ever since you went upstairs.”


Mandala City


DeathPhantomon is the only one left…besides Cherubimon and myself, of course. I looked at the ten Horcruxes that lay on the ground before me. I feel so…violated, having only that one around…like he’s thinking about me in a way that I’d rather not be thought about, and especially not by him… I shuddered as I thought of the hovering Digimon. …I guess I wouldn’t mind it if, say, Sephyrus, had thoughts like that. At least he’s a perfect gentleman, and rather easy on the eyes, too… I glanced at him from afar, and giggled. Or maybe he already does? If he doesn’t…ooh, I could order him to!

“Milady, is everything alright?” Sephyrus asked.

“What? Oh, yes, yes, of course!” I looked down and away from the man, blushing when I realized the way I had been thinking about him. “I, uh…I just want to be left alone for a while…”

“Of course, milady.” Sephyrus bowed and proceeded to leave. I looked back down at the Horcruxes.

“As soon as DeathPhantomon gets back here…I’ll free the rest of you,” I whispered to the inanimate objects.

“Oh, I do believe you’ll free us sooner than that.” I looked around the ancient city, trying to discern where the voice came from.

“Look down, stupid!”

Generalmon and…Lupinemon? “Where are you, my friends?!”

“I already said; look down!” I did as I was told, and saw that the glass of the Clairvoyant’s Mirror, Hydramon’s Horcrux, had lit up. In it, I could see the faces of my ten friends, rather than my own reflection.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Chapter 82: A Dire Return


Mandala City


“Who wants to go next?” I asked.

“You think you’re so tough; why don’t you try fighting all of us at once?!” Lupinemon asked.

“I’d be happy to!”

“That means you as well, Lilithmon,” Machinedramon said.

“I—I knew that!” Lilithmon stuttered. “Then…that means Sephyrus, too!”

“Of course, milady,” Sephyrus bowed.

“And where’s Michalis?!” the female Demon Lord asked.

“I’ve sent him out to find Cherubimon,” Sephyrus replied. “He’s never been good at finding things, so I doubt he’ll be successful…”

“Don’t talk about my son that way,” Lilithmon said defensively.

“Are you guys ready yet?” I asked. “Because I’d like to begin…by destroying the lot of you!”

“Big words from such a short Digimon!” Lupinemon said. “I’m ready whenever you are!”

“Have at you!” I brandished my sword. Bathed in the refracted light the flittered down from the ocean, it looked capable to repel the very evil that lurked in the depths of even Lilithmon’s heart.

“Breath of Wyvern!” A large, dragon-shaped aura flew over my head and struck the advancing Digimon, creating an explosion that sent dust flying into the air.

“Statuedramon!” Thomas said. A chill went down my spine. Never once in my life had I ever heard his voice sound that strict. “You heard BlackGaomon…you were ordered not to come here.” Through the smoke cloud, I could see him standing at the entrance of the sunken city next to Zelda and Dynasmon.

“Oh, Statuedramon, you aren’t hurt, are you?!” Zelda ran through the dust cloud and placed her arms around me. “They haven’t attacked you, have they?”

“…No, I—I’m fine,” I said.

Zelda looked at me; her blue eyes were filled with concern. “Oh, thank the goddess! Oh, I’m so glad you’re okay!”

She…was that worried about me? Thomas and Dynasmon began walking over to us. Thomas…you sure lucked out finding a girl this sweet. The dust cloud cleared, and the opposing Digimon were staring us down.

“BlackGaomon told us not to go because we don’t stand a chance against them,” Thomas said. “Next time…listen to orders when they are given, and obey them when you hear them.”

“..Yeah…I’ll do that,” I said. The loud echoing of Machinedramon’s footstep interrupted us.

“I grow weary of this; I will just destroy you all!” Machinedramon shouted. The cannons on Machinedramon’s back began to glow. “Giga Cannon!”

“Get behind me!” I yelled, and just as Machinedramon unleashed his attack, I held up my shield and absorbed the cannon blast. My sword attack took on a bright silver glow as I attacked Machinedramon in return. Machinedramon was left standing, many pieces of his mechanical body short-circuiting and hanging on by a few wires. I leapt up and hacked away at him a few times with my sword, and Machinedramon was no more. “Well…as long as we’re here, why don’t we finish up?”

“No,” Thomas said. “BlackGaomon gave us an order…and I intend to follow it through.”

“Meaning you don’t want to fight them.”

“Not as we are now,” Zelda said. “Without Apollomon and Seraphimon, we don’t stand as good a chance of defeating Lilithmon!”

“…Let’s go, Statch,” Thomas said.

“Well, then; if you have no desire to fight, then I’ll gladly step in!” Lupinemon said, lunging through the air at us.

“Dynasmon!” Zelda cried.

“Leave this to me, milady,” Dynasmon said. “Dragon’s Roar!” Dynasmon charged energy in the palms of his hands and rapidly punched Lupinemon to the ground as Thomas ran over to her and slit her throat with his sword. Lupinemon fell to her side, dead.

“I don’t think we need their help,” I said. “We seem to be doing just fine without—”

“Statch, come on!” Thomas grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from the other Digimon.

“What’s the big deal?! I killed two of them all by myself, and I’ll bet I can—”

“Not against DeathPhantomon,” Thomas said. “He doesn’t fight like other Digimon, remember? He attacks the opponents’ spirit, not their physical body! We can’t fight someone like that!” Thomas and Zelda forcefully dragged me over to one of the city’s Blue Tiles, and in an instant, we had left Mandala, arriving at what seemed to be an empty bar in Yew.

“Okay…I’ll admit DeathPhantomon would’ve been pretty difficult at first, but I really believe I can beat that guy!”

“You don’t understand!” Thomas sighed. “There is no winning against a Digimon that fights like that…not with brute strength, at any rate, and certainly not with your usual way of doing things. To defeat DeathPhantomon, we’ll need to formulate some sort of strategy.”

“…Okay. Fine. Let’s just go back to the villa, all right?”
Thomas nodded in agreement, and the three of us set off.



“The nerve of those pests!” Lilithmon fumed.

“’Twas quite the inconvenience, eh wot?” DeathPhantomon asked in an amused voice.

“What are you still doing here?!” Lilithmon asked. “GO AFTER THEM! Don’t let them get away!”

“Of course…milady,” DeathPhantomon said mockingly, cackling to himself as he hovered away.

“…Sephyrus. Have you any idea when Michalis might be back?”

“Right now!” Michalis said excitedly, running up to us from a Blue Tile. “Did I miss anything?”

I turned to face the boy. “Hydramon, Machinedramon, and Lupinemon were all killed,” I said. “DeathPhantomon remains still, but otherwise, you haven’t missed much.”

“What about you?” Lilithmon looked at Michalis. “Were you successful?”

“Successful with what? Oh, right; Cherubimon! No, I couldn’t find him, mother,” Michalis said. “Not even the slightest clue, I’m afraid…”

Lilithmon let out a weary sigh.

“Do not worry, milady,” I said. “He’ll show up soon.”

“I hope you’re right, Sephyrus,” Lilithmon said.

Thomas Kasuto

Saias’s Villa

Living Room

30 Minutes


I stood with Zelda in one corner of the room, watching BlackGaomon pace back and forth. “…I suppose I oughtn’t be surprised by what you did, Statuedramon,” he said to the same-heighted Rookie sitting before him on a sofa. “That’s just how you are as a person…and there’s nothing that can be done about that.”

“I guess not,” Statch said. “So…can we go back and fight them, then?” I glanced from Statch’s eager face to BlackGaomon’s, which looked impatient.

“Absolutely not!” BlackGaomon snapped. “Not without a plan, at least; DeathPhantomon is one of the strongest members of the Order of the Enchantress. He can lock his enemies in eternal nightmares. He can change the opponent into a spirit who cannot come in contact with anything, only to be harmed by his scythe. He can change his shape. He cannot be defeated by conventional means, so we’ll need an unconventional plan for stopping him.”

“…I tried telling you the same thing earlier, Statuedramon,” I said. The Rookie shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes. “BlackGaomon, didn’t Apollomon give you any information on him?”

“The Digimon that killed DeathPhantomon before; didn’t he at least give a name?” Statuedramon asked.

“Don’t you remember? He told you it was a Flamedramon that did it,” BlackGaomon said.

“Right…a different Flamedramon from the one we know,” Statch said. “Hey, why don’t we just find the Flamedramon we know to kick his ass for us?”

“Would Flamedramon really be willing to do it?” Luna asked.

“If Zelda asks him to do it, he probably would,” Chrysania said.

Everyone in the room turned to look at Zelda, and after a moment, she reluctantly said, “…Well…Flamedramon was one of the Marked when he was a Human,” she explained. “When we traveled together last year, the way he spoke to me…his voice sounded as though he couldn’t refuse a favor from me…”

“And, of course, that’s only assuming we actually know where Flamedramon is,” BlackGaomon added. “Zelda…if we were to hypothetically find him, do you think you could convince him to do what we want?”

“I…I don’t like taking advantage of other people’s kindness, but I’ll try…”

“Well, try not to think of it as simply ‘taking advantage of his kindness,’” Luna suggested. “Think of it as asking for his help to protect Arcadia. I guess that does sound kind of odd, asking for help from a Digimon who once wanted to do the exact opposite, though…”

“Does Zelda know where Flamedramon might be?” Chrysania asked.

“No. Nobody’s seen or heard from him since he helped us fight Lilithmon a few weeks ago,” Zelda said. “It’s the same with Abigail, too.”

“Maybe we don’t need Flamedramon,” Statuedramon suggested. “If a Flamedramon was able to defeat that DeathPhantomon, then maybe all we need to do is set him on fire or something!”

“…You know…that may not be a bad idea,” BlackGaomon said.

“I wouldn’t count on that working,” I said. “Remember what Apollomon said; DeathPhantomon is capable of changing himself, just like BioPremenitmon. I wouldn’t count on the same tactic working more than once, especially for a Digimon as clever as that.”

“Yeah, but—” a knock on the front door interrupted Statuedramon. BlackGaomon walked over to it and opened it, gasping in surprise.


The tall Mega Digimon walked with a limp into the villa.

“Apollomon, what are you doing back here? Did you find Seraphimon already?” Luna asked.

“And where are Dianamon and Pheragas?” Statuedramon asked.

“…They…they’re dead…”

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Chapter 81: Disobedience

Thomas Kasuto

Saias’s Villa

Living Room


“…Tommy…what do you think we should do?” Zelda asked nervously. “We can’t…just sit here, and wait for those evil Digimon to start hurting people…” I looked around the empty room and sighed.

“We don’t have any choice,” I said. “This isn’t like before when the three of us snuck away to Braig’s laboratory…Those Digimon we’re fighting…those twelve…If their power is enough to frighten Apollomon to the point where he won’t allow us to fight without Seraphimon’s help, then it might be best that we do what he says. With Seraphimon, the members of Lachesis are the only ones who can stand up to those twelve, not to mention Michalis and Sephyrus.” I turned to look at Zelda; she looked exhausted, and she was slumped up against me on a couch, with her eyes half open and her head resting atop my right shoulder. In reality, I was just as nervous as she was, and the warmth of her body was very comforting. I placed my arm around her and said, “I don’t like BlackGaomon’s decision any more than you, or Statch, or Luna…but it is the wisest decision. If something were to happen to any of us, the chances that the remainder of our group triumphs over Lilithmon slims down astronomically. That is why I go along with BlackGaomon. People may get hurt waiting for us, but if we rush in and get ourselves killed, then more and more people will get hurt, and there will be nobody around to stop it.”

“We have no choice but to get involved…because that is what we do,” Zelda replied. “But still…I…I’m scared, Tommy…” Zelda placed her hand over mine and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Since they’re so powerful…it’s almost guaranteed that someone here will get hurt…I don’t want to see anyone I care about get hurt ever again…especially you, Tommy.”

“…I…feel the same way,” I whispered. “Especially about you, Zelda.”

 “Thomas…have you seen Statuedramon?” BlackGaomon asked, walking into the room.

“Statuedramon? Didn’t…didn’t he go up to his room?” I asked.

“He’s not there.”

“He’s…He ran away!” I stood up, grabbed my sword, and ran to the front door of the villa.

“You know where he went?” BlackGaomon asked. Zelda, holding the satchel that contained her Digimon Talismans, ran after me.

“Isn’t it obvious? He went to Mandala to deal with those Digimon because you forbade him to!” I said. “The two of us will go and bring him back before he does anything stupid!”


Mandala City


“There’s only one thing I wish to discuss with Lilithmon,” Lupinemon said.

“Yes? What is it?” Lilithmon asked.

“Your punishment.”

 “Punishment?! But…I’ve freed all of you! Have I not done that? Have I not released you all from the Dark Area?!” Lilithmon demanded. “Please…have mercy…”

“You dare request mercy?!” Hydramon asked.

“Have I not earned it? I’ve released all of you…”

“How curious, then…that six of our friends remain trapped in the void with no way to get out!” Lupinemon snarled.

“The three of us should obliterate you on their behalf,” Machinedramon said.

“I kept my word! I freed the lot of you! I cannot be blamed for the meddling of Lachesis and its members!” Lilithmon yelled.

You did not free us,” Hydramon said. “And you, Lily, did not keep your word.”

“Haven’t I?!”

“Freeing us was your job, and not Sephyrus’s,” Machinedramon said.

“There’s been talk in the Dark Area about having him replace you,” Lupinemon said. “He seems far more worthy of joining us than you are of staying with us.”

I could not help but smile at the compliment.

“I, for one, would be most welcoming to our Bio Hybrid ally,” Hydramon said. “He’s a good chap; very polite, and easy to talk to. You, on the other hand, are very easy to talk down to.”

“Why have someone like that in our group?” Lupinemon asked. “All twelve of us are equals…is the way it should be. Instead, it is eleven equals and one sniveling coward!

“Pardon for the interruption!” the five of us looked straight up to see the form of DeathPhantomon descending from the ocean and through the protective barrier surrounding the city. “The wind has brought the sweetest of rumors to mine ears!”

“What do you want, DeathPhantomon?” Hydramon asked.

“Rumor tells that sweet Lilithmon is about to receive her punishment; verily, hath I cometh to partake in such a momentous activity!”

“DeathPhantomon…just…just stop,” Lupinemon said, shaking her head. DeathPhantomon, ignoring her, hovered over to Lilithmon.

“Thou hath been very naughty, Lilithmon; to thine ass go the spankings!”

“Shut up, DeathPhantomon!” Machinedramon roared. “This…punishment…isn’t like the ones in your sick, sexual fantasies!”

“Thou would be surprised of what bringeth enjoyment to me,” DeathPhantomon cackled.

“Not…anymore,” Hydramon said. All three of Hydramon’s visible heads had a traumatized look on their faces. “Not since you locked me in that nightmare involving the mango and the Kudamon…”

“Stop talking!” Lupinemon said hurriedly. DeathPhantomon laughed eerily once more. “No, I’m serious; I think I hear someone coming!”

“Sword of Dragon’s Soul!” a clear projection of a sword whizzed down past my head and struck the concrete ground in front of Hydramon and Machinedramon.

“I smell…an unfamiliar scent,” Lupinemon growled.

“I believe a friend from Lachesis has come to join us,” I said. “Do join us…won’t you, Statuedramon?”

“I would never join your side, Bio Hybrid!” Statuedramon said, leaping down from a marble column in front of me.

“That…wasn’t exactly what I meant…”

“Who’s this small fry?” Hydramon asked.

“Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Statuedramon,” I said. “He is the Digimon partner of the Human that killed SkullCaliphmon.”

This is the Digimon Horusmon spoke so fondly of?!” Machinedramon asked.

“But…he’s just a Rookie level,” Lupinemon said.

“Regardless, it seems that letting him live would be disadvantageous to our group,” Hydramon said. “I shall be the one to deal with him; Herculean Slicer!” Hydramon forcefully brought down his sword-shaped tail at the small Rookie, who blocked the attack with his own sword remarkably well.

“Is this…the best you’ve got?!” Statuedramon asked. “I’ve taken stronger attacks from In-Training level Digimon!”

“You wish for something stronger?” Hydramon asked, raising his tail slightly.

“You don’t want to know what that main head is capable of!” one of Hydramon’s other heads said.

“Hey, I wanted to be the one to say that!” the third of Hydramon’s heads whined.

“Well, tough shit; I said it first!” Hydramon’s second head stuck its tongue out at the third head.

“Yes…well, don’t say you were never adequately warned for what is about to happen,” Hydramon said to Statuedramon. “Lernaean Inferno!” Hydramon’s main, center head opened its mouth and unleashed a swirling orange flame at the Rookie.

“Dimensional Shield!” All of Hydramon’s flames disappeared inside Statuedramon’s shield, and the Rookie’s sword began to glow red as it unleashed the flames back at the larger Mega, searing and burning through his thick, black scales. Hydramon could do nothing in retaliation as Statuedramon cut through his charred body with his sword. Machinedramon and Lupinemon stood still, watching in awe as Hydramon hit the ground, dead and dissolving into data. Lilithmon observed with a stern expression on her face, and DeathPhantomon seemed amused, although it was hard to tell with a Digimon that concealed his face. I myself was unsurprised at what had happened; I had been well aware of the Rookie’s strength for quite some time. “Who’d like to go next?” Statch asked.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Chapter 80: Demon Beast

Saias’s Villa
1 Day
“…And now, the Bio Hybrids have all ten Horcruxes,” I said. With Apollomon, Dianamon, and Pheragas gone, the living room felt empty, even with everyone else sitting around me, listening intently to my explanation of what has happened. “I…you can blame me if you’d like. Sephyrus tricked me; he turned into Gallantmon, and he…”
Thomas, sitting next to me, gently took my hand in his. “I have no intention of blaming you for any of this, Zelda,” he said, smiling at me. “It is the fault of Lilithmon and the Bio Hybrids, and we will stop them no matter how many Digimon they call forth from the Dark Area.”
“We should prepare for the worst, though,” BlackGaomon said, looking grimly at everyone in the room.
“We still have to deal with three other Digimon,” Statuedramon said, pacing the floor. “And then there’s also that DeathPhantomon, too.”
“Which means five of the twelve walk free,” Thomas said. “With this many, they’ll be more powerful than the others were.”
“And don’t forget, nobody knows what happened to Cherubimon,” BlackGaomon added. “For all we know, he could still be alive.”
“…Meaning half of them are alive, if Cherubimon is,” Luna pointed out. The others nodded in agreement with her observation.
“What should we do?” Statch asked, taking a bite of his cheeseburger.
“Without Apollomon, we can’t do anything,” BlackGaomon said gravely. “We must wait for him, Dianamon, and Pheragas to return, and hopefully, they’ll have Seraphimon with them.”
Braig’s Lab
Over four weeks it’s been since IceDevimon froze this place over…and yet, the ice remains intact! The ice that incased the laboratory gleamed in the bright sunlight. Should I…go in? It can supposedly kill one with just a touch…I’d better not risk it, even if I am a Bio Hybrid.
Closing my eyes, I thrust Saias’s sword deep into the ice and began chanting the ancient words. The first thing I heard when I finished the incantation was the ice shattering. The sword fall from my hands and landed on the paved sidewalk. Machinedramon now stood before me, looking around in awe.
“…So many buildings,” Machinedramon said.
“Yes, a lot has changed since you’ve been here last,” I said. “What you knew to be a barren wasteland has developed into a thriving city.”
Machinedramon grunted. “I detest civilization; other beings must be living in fear of one supreme being…and that being…is me.”
I bowed my head slightly in deference to him. “And so it shall be, Machinedramon. But first…perhaps you ought to pay a visit to dear Lilithmon? She is expecting you, good sir.”
“Very well; lead me to her, then,” Machinedramon said.
“Lilithmon is currently residing within Mandala City, which, I’m afraid, has sunk to the bottom of the ocean,” I explained.
“Bottom of the ocean?! How do you expect me to get there?!” Machinedramon roared.
“…I know of a few…shortcuts,” I said. “Come with me; I shall take you to her, good sir.”
Saias’s Villa
“But…we can’t just sit here, doing nothing!” Statch exclaimed. “What if they haven’t released the other three yet? We should go out and stop them before that happens!”
“And what would happen if we actually ran into them?” I asked, turning to face Statch. “Without Apollomon…without Dianamon, or Pheragas, or even Seraphimon, we wouldn’t stand a chance against the remaining six Digimon. The other six you fought were nothing compared to the other half.”
“…Are they that powerful?” Thomas asked, looking surprised.
I nodded. “All twelve are powerful on their own, but these remaining six…they’re so powerful, they could lay waste to the entire continent in a matter of days,” I said. “Cherubimon is a Celestial Digimon, the same as Lilithmon used to be, and Seraphimon is, and you three,” I pointed to Statch, Zelda, and Thomas. “You three already know how powerful she is. And then, the Digimon Hydramon is practically immortal, with the ability to regenerate almost all of his eight heads except for his main one; add to that his clairvoyant abilities, and you’ve got a Digimon that will never let himself get killed.”
“He just hasn’t met the right opponent yet,” Statch boasted, puffing his chest out. “I’ll cut off every single head of that eight-headed freak!”
I sighed, growing impatient with the Rookie Digimon’s display of bravado.
“Please continue,” Thomas told me, and I nodded at the assassin.
“DeathPhantomon is next…he has the ability to lock his opponents in an eternal nightmare, never to awake again…furthermore, he can also turn them into spirits. As spirits, his opponents will not be able to hit him with their attacks, but he can hit them with his special scythe; the Scythe of Soul’s Harvest.”
“His scythe…can bring harm to ethereal beings?” Thomas asked.
I nodded. “I don’t know the logic behind it, but he can. It’s also the same with Lupinemon…She uses light-based attacks, and may appear to be an Exalted Beast, but in reality…she’s a Demon Beast. Her light can sear through ethereal beings as DeathPhantomon’s scythe can slice through them. And finally, there’s Machinedramon…an enormous Digimon designed for total annihilation. He won’t stop destroying until there’s nothing left to destroy…and even then, he might not stop.”
“BlackGaomon…how do you know all of this?” Luna asked, a puzzled expression crossing her face. “I thought you and Pheragas joined at the same time.”
“No…After Apollomon, Dianamon, and SlashAngemon, who obviously knew all of this information, formed this group…I was the first to join them, around one-hundred years ago. As the first to join, they gave me some of the information they had. About twenty years ago, Pheragas joined after he was sick of his father pushing him to join the Valencian Knights. He didn’t like the way they did things, and he still doesn’t.”
“Why didn’t Apollomon tell me?” Luna asked. “Chrysania and I were next to join, just before Garret and MetalEtemon…”
“It wasn’t something we were trying to keep a secret from you guys,” I said. “It’s just…kind of difficult to work in to a casual conversation, you know? It’s also a bit of a touchy subject for him; according to Dianamon, he had lost a past lover to one of those twelve, and I’d be willing to bet it was Cherubimon who killed her.”
“Why him?” Chrysania asked from behind Luna’s skirt. The poor child hadn’t left her mother’s side since her terrible ordeal in the Black Rose Mountains the day before.
“Cherubimon was the member of that group Apollomon went after, remember? Though, he wasn’t successful, and that’s why I have a feeling that Cherubimon’s still alive today.”
“All the more reason why we should go!” Statch exclaimed, jumping up. “If one of those evil bastards hurt our boss, then it’s up to us, his employees and friends, to kick his ass in retribution!”
“Sit down!” I ordered. “As long as Dianamon and Apollomon are away, I am in charge. Got it?” The taller Rookie, clearly surprised by my tone of voice, sat back down next to Thomas. “For now…we will just sit…and wait. That, dear comrades…is an order.”
“BlackGaomon…forgive my impertinence, but I think that’s a really terrible idea,” Thomas said. “I’ll go along with it as you’ve ordered…but I think it’s only fair that I let you know where I stand on this.”
“I agree with Thomas,” Luna said. “We can’t just sit and wait for those Digimon to come back…I’ll follow along, but only because Apollomon clearly trusts you enough to leave you in charge.”
“I think it’s a fucking awful idea!” Statch shouted. “I don’t care if Apollomon left you in charge, BlackGaomon; you are not Apollomon! Apollomon would never make us sit and wait for them to come to us!” Statuedramon leapt off the couch and ran upstairs.
Mandala City
“Welcome home,” I said to Machinedramon as we were teleported to the underwater city.
“…This place is in ruins,” Machinedramon said, looking around at the fallen buildings and piles of rubble. “A job well done; nearly everything is in shambles. Do you know the identity of the one who did this?”
“I believe this happened during a fight between Neptunemon and Belphemon. There have been several other fights here since then, though, so perhaps the credit should not go to them alone…”
“…Really well done,” Machinedramon commented. “This destruction…it may have been accidental, but it really is quite artistic!”
“I see you haven’t changed a bit, Machinedramon,” said a lilting female voice.
“Lilithmon, where are you?!” Machinedramon asked, having forgotten about the beauteous destruction immediately upon hearing Lilithmon’s voice.
“I’m right here, silly.” Machinedramon looked down and saw the beautiful Mega level Digimon standing right in front of him. “How’ve you been, Machinedramon?”
“HOW HAVE I BEEN?! I was locked up two-hundred years longer than I should have been, and you’re asking me how I am?!”
Machinedramon knelt down as best he could to look Lilithmon in the face. “Don’t get cute with me; you may be the strongest of the twelve of us, but don’t think I won’t hesitate to attack you. Don’t antagonize me.”
“Antagonize you? Don’t be ridiculous, Machinedramon; I wouldn’t dare dream of doing that,” Lilithmon said coyly. “Now, Sephyrus, you did well, finding the Sword and bringing Machinedramon back. Did you find the Flute or the Mirror?”
“Both of them,” I said. “I have already freed Hydramon from his prison; has he not yet arrived?”
“I’m here,” Hydramon suddenly said, walking up to our group, shaking the ground with each step he took.
“Good to see you again, Hydramon,” Lilithmon smirked.
“It seems as though I’m not needed here,” I said to myself. “I’ll be on my way to the Savage Prairie so I can free Lupinemon, then…”
10 Minutes
The Savage Prairie was the same as ever; an endless sea of tall grass, with nary a tree in sight.
“I suppose this is as good a place as any…” I placed the Flute on a nearby rock and began reciting the ancient words. A golden light illuminated the area, and soon, a golden, wolf-like Digimon stood before me.
“You certainly took your time,” Lupinemon growled, baring her sharp fangs. “Care to explain why I was the last one to be freed?!”
“Forgive my tardiness, my fair lady; based on how the release spell works, it was simply easiest to free you last,” I said.
“Whatever; now, where’s Lilithmon?!” she demanded impatiently.
“Fret not, milady; in a few moment’s time, I’ll have brought you to her whereabouts.”
10 Minutes
“I have returned,” I said.
“How did it go? There weren’t any interruptions, were there?” Lilithmon asked.
I shook my head and announced, “Lupinemon is with me.”
The glimmering Demon Beast walked up to Lilithmon and bared her fangs. “You could not even be bothered to be there when I was released, so you send your Bio Hybrid flunky to free me instead,” Lupinemon growled.
“Yes, Lilithmon; why have you been here this entire time instead of freeing us?” Hydramon asked in a snide voice.
“I don’t care about that!” Lupinemon snapped. “There’s only one thing I wish to discuss with Lilithmon!”
“Yes? What is it?”
“Your punishment.”