Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Chapter 87: Linoan

Thomas Kasuto

Primrose Village


“…My name…it is Linoan…”

…She’s avoiding eye contact…And there’s something else about her that seems a bit…off…It seemed like she had to think about her answer for a moment…

“I know…about the three of you,” Linoan said, smiling shyly at us. “Thomas…Zelda…Statuedramon…The three of you…you are the ones, aren’t you? The ones who defeated Etemon in Linnea…you are the ones, right?”

“Who’s Etemon?” Statuedramon asked.

“A bandit leader…One of the bandit leaders of the Thanatos Bandits,” I said. “We killed him about a month ago, remember?”

“No, not really.”

Linoan laughed quietly. “Yes…with all that has been going on lately…even the bandits have been too afraid to do anything,” she said. “I suppose…that is one good thing about Lilithmon being back…”

“…There are people who already know about that?” Statch asked.

The young blonde nodded. “Though it has been little more than a day since they were freed, Lilithmon’s allies have been making life unbearable for everyone across the continent,” she said. “In fact…there is a Digimon in this very area who has been doing just that…”

“What?! One of those bastards is here?!” Statch yelled.  I continued looking into Linoan’s eyes. She herself did not seem worried, or nervous, or anything similar.

“…I…cannot say for sure if the Digimon is a friend of hers…More likely than not, the Digimon is little more than a bandit who is unaware of her return.”

“Well…if it is a bandit, then it is our job to deal with it,” I said.

Zelda nodded in agreement. “Do you know where this Digimon is, Linoan?” she asked. Linoan opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Statch.

“Wait, you two actually want to do this?!” Statuedramon asked.

“It is our job,” I said.

“We don’t have time to drive away a Digimon who has no connection to Lilithmon! We need to be focusing our efforts on defeating her and the other eleven Digimon from that group! And besides…” Statuedramon nervously looked over at Linoan and whispered in my ear, “You don’t…actually trust her, do you?”

“Statuedramon…that’s beside the point. Whether I trust Linoan or not doesn’t matter. That rarely has ever mattered. This is our job, in case you’ve forgotten,” I said. “You don’t have to come with us.”

“And you two don’t have to go with her! What if she’s leading you into a trap?! Have you thought about that?!” Statch asked. “This is valuable time you’ll be wasting that we should be using trying to put an end to Lilithmon’s schemes!”

“So, you’re just going to shut us down like that, without even considering how bad it might be for us? Come now, no need to be so cruel!” I glanced over at Linoan and saw a large, burly man walking up behind her. He wore a long black trench coat that covered his entire body. The coat had its hood up to conceal the man’s face. The only part of him that could be seen was his hands, which were an odd, pale blue color. “Now that, I consider absolutely heartbreaking!” The man clasped his hand around Linoan’s shoulder; a very sudden but very quick grimace that crossed her face caught my notice as he did so. “This young lady here…and the other residents of this humble little village — myself included — are in fear for their lives. Is it not too much to ask of thee?”

Statuedramon looked up at me. “Thomas…I don’t like this, but if it’s what you want…I’ll go with you,” he said.

“I am fully aware that it could be a trap,” I whispered to him. “But if it’s not…and we ignore it…then the blood spilt by whatever is here will be on our hands.”

“I’d rather we regret something we’ve done than regret not doing anything in the first place,” Zelda said. “Even if it is a trap, we’ll be fine.”

“…All right.” Statuedramon looked up at Linoan. “Take us to where this Digimon is…if there really is one.”

“Of course,” Linoan smiled. The man chuckled to himself and walked away. “He can be found…this way.” Statch and Zelda began to follow Linoan down the dirt road, and I was about to do the same when I noticed Linoan’s footprints.

Zelda and Statuedramon aren’t leaving any footprints behind…and neither am I…or that other man…and yet, here are Linoan’s, as clear as day…Upon closer examination, I noticed that the footprints were also rather deep. …She weighs more than her small build implies…meaning…she’s not a Human…Well, whatever she is, I’m glad I’m getting involved with whatever the hell’s going on here. I ran, catching up to my friends as they reached the end of the dirt road with Linoan. A lone rock sat atop a clear, grassy cliff which, as Zelda said earlier, overlooked the Cyprus Desert.

“This…is where the Digimon can usually be found,” Linoan said as she climbed on top of the rock.

“Where is—” I was interrupted by Linoan, who, ignoring me, began to play her flute once more.

“Well, that sure was rude,” Statuedramon said. “…Even if it is kind of a beautiful song…” Linoan continued to play her song, and after a few minutes, I felt the ground begin to tremble.

“…We’ve got to get out of here!” I said.

“Shut up, I’m trying to listen to—” The ground underneath Statuedramon opened up as he spoke, and all three of us fell through into what seemed to be an endless pitfall. Linoan’s smirk was the last thing I remember seeing before the three of us were swallowed up by the darkness.


2 Hours


The sun had set a while ago, and now the moon began its rise. The sky was filled with stars, and the moon was full. I did not need to look up to know this; no matter how small, I was able to feel the light from each of the stars in the sky…and with each full moon, I felt a huge surge in power and energy…this did not sit well with me. I’ve always felt like I should get stronger on my own, without the use of some unique ability. My sadness, my resentment…even my boredom…every emotion I felt at the moment was reflected in my flute’s music…a lamentful elegy…

“Ah, this ghastly, beautiful sound, nearly identical to that of a wolf’s must be none other than the flute of beauteous Linoan!” I quit playing, but did not turn around to look at my guest. It was the man that had joined me earlier. I did not know who he was, but he gave off the same air of unease as someone else I knew. “To see someone as beautiful as thyself, all alone in a place like this, bathed in the moon's light...why, it’s enough to make someone like me cry at the sheer beauty of it all!”

“…What do you want?” I asked, starting to feel annoyed by his  presence, the way he spoke; just everything about him made me want to tear out his eyes.

“…You know…you really know how to transform into the most beautiful of Human women,” the man said.

“Oh, stop it!” I snapped, rising to my bare feet from the rock I sat on. “It makes me sick enough that I’m able to turn into one of these repulsive creatures without YOU of all people reminding me of it!”

“Without…me of all people? Why, whatever could you mean by that? We’ve just met, haven’t we? What could I have possibly done to you, dear Linoan?”

“I just…cannot abide Humans…It makes me sick to my stomach that I look like this right now!”

“Well...I'm afraid I've nothing to cure the pains of thy belly, my dear,” the man said, walking up to me. Leaning down slightly, he whispered into my ear, “But…I have every means necessary to cure the pains of thy heart. Would you like for me thee with that?” I felt my skin crawl as he began caressing my thigh with his right hand whilst gently stroking my belly button with his left index finger. His light blue skin felt clammy and sweaty, and his unnecessarily sharp fingernail was finding its way deeper into my navel. My stomach lurched in agony and a chill ran down my spine as he continued to stand close to me. I could practically hear his grin widening as he moved his mouth closer to my ear. “Well? Would that be something you would enjoy?” As his hand inched higher and higher up my thigh, I suddenly elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to fall over. In an instant, in place of my human form there now stood a beautiful, golden wolf. Where I stood now was my original form of Lupinemon.

“How could I not have realized when you showed up to help me? Curse the dulled senses of those damned Humans!” I growled. “I should’ve realized it was you earlier...DeathPhantomon!” The man began to laugh, and suddenly disappeared, and where he stood was now a gruesome, robed creature hovering in the air.

“Nya ha ha! You’ve got that right, Linoan! At least the, ‘should’ve realized it was you earlier’ part!” DeathPhantomon laughed eerily.

“DeathPhantomon. What…do…you…WANT?! Why the fuck are you even here?!”

“Verily hath I come to offer my assistance, milady!”

“In what regard?” I asked dully. DeathPhantomon’s only visible eye narrowed in anger. Well, now…that’s sure an uncommon sight.

“The Digimon known as Statuedramon…he initially voiced his protests about following thee, did he not?” I stared at the hovering Digimon. “I know thou better than you know thyself, Lupinemon. Thou art impatient…If Statuedramon had continued his protests, then surely thou would have left him behind…leaving those two Humans to fall into the trap.”

“Yeah? And so what if I would have?” I growled.

“Lilithmon…All of us…need them all to be dealt with. Not some of them; all of them.”

“Yeah, whatever…” A scythe materialized in DeathPhantomon’s hand, and he swung it at me, narrowly missing the top of my head. “What the hell, DeathPhantomon?!”

“Listen up, Lupinemon. I, like the rest of our group, desire freedom, and I wish to keep said freedom. I might be more lenient than Myotismon or Machinedramon, so I shall give thee a fair warning. If I ever hear about or observe you doing something like that ever again…next time, I will not miss. Do I make myself clear…Lupinemon?


“Very good. I’m glad we had this little chat, beautiful.” DeathPhantomon’s skull-tipped scythe disappeared. “So…where did those three go?”

“That hole you see beneath you sent them falling to a path that will lead them to another of our group,” I said. I looked out at the vast desert. “SkullCaliphmon…that’s one favor I’ve done for you. How shall you reciprocate, I wonder?”

“Well, without further ado, I shall take my leave of thee, Linoan. We shall…meet again.” In the blink of an eye, DeathPhantomon vanished.

“…Fair warning. Ha.” I looked up at the moon. I sighed. “Some allies I’ve got…giving me warning that next time they’ll try to clobber me…”

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Chapter 86: The Hydra's Advance


Saias’s Villa

20 Minutes


“…So…a lot has happened since we’ve been gone, I see,” Apollomon said. “IceDevimon…DeathPhantomon…Lilithmon’s allies being freed from the Dark Area…”

“Deckerdramon said…he said if that were to ever happen, then Arcadia would never know light again,” Statuedramon said. “And it…it happened…”

“Well, we’re all going to make damn sure Arcadia does see light again!” BlackGaomon said. “Even if I have to give my life in—”

“NO!!!” I interrupted. I marched over to the Rookie Digimon, leaned down, and sternly said, “Let me make one thing very clear to everybody; under no circumstances are you to put yourselves in a situation that would cost you your life. Am I understood?!”

“…Yes, sir,” BlackGaomon said, slowly scooting back on the floor away from me.

“…We are the only ones who can stop Lilithmon,” I whispered. “If even one person in this room where to fall in battle…”

“What should we do first, sir?” Dianamon looked at Apollomon.

“I don’t know,” Apollomon sighed. “…Luna…are you done yet?”

“Almost, sir,” the witch said. “This healing spell usually only takes a few minutes to work, so the four of us should be ready to go any second now.”

“And how are you feeling?” Apollomon looked at Statuedramon, Zelda, and Thomas, sitting next to each other on a couch.

“Well, my arm doesn’t feel broken anymore, and—” Thomas began.

“No, not that,” Apollomon interrupted. “How do you feel about…what happened, Thomas? Anxious? Confident? Despaired?”

“…To be…quite honest, sir, I…don’t really know,” he admitted. “Anything could happen…We could win, or they could…And if they do…I don’t want to think about that possibility.”

“I…feel the same,” Statuedramon said. “For the first time in my life…I’m actually afraid. I’m not scared that I might get killed, but that I might get killed without having done everything I could have done to protect my family…”

“I tink ve can all say dat ve ah afraid,” Pheragas said. “Dare is noting dat can be done about dat, given de circumstances.”

“…If anybody wants out, just say so,” Apollomon said. “This will be different than fighting off bandits, or even the Bio Hybrids. If you wish to leave simply to save yourself, then…you may go.”

“Apollomon, how could you say that?!” Statch exclaimed. “I’m afraid…but I’m still willing to fight, too!”

“I’m ready to stand against my fears and worries and fight Lilithmon and her allies,” Zelda said. “I have faith in my comrades…they’ve never let anyone down before, and I know they won’t now. I’ll give my all to make sure they don’t get hurt.”

“…Just give us our orders, sir,” Thomas said.

“…Very well. The first thing we ought to do should be to—” The entire villa trembled violently. All the furniture seemed to be lifted off the floor as it shook. Then, quite suddenly, the shaking stopped. It ended so abruptly that everyone in the room was still frozen in place from the initial surprise.

“Is everyone okay?!” I asked.

“What was that? And earthquake?!” Statuedramon asked as another tremor shook the villa.

“No…they’re here!” I yelled, running outside. “They’ve found us!”

“Damn it! So soon?!” Apollomon asked. He and Dianamon dashed after me as I ran outside. The rest of Apollomon’s guild followed us out onto the lawn, where Hydramon stood. The center head of the colossal Mega licked its lips.

“So good to see you all again,” Hydramon said. “Which one of you…shall we devour first?”

“Everyone…get away from here,” Apollomon commanded. “Right now!”

“Are you kidding me? I’ve killed this stupid snake all on my own before, and I can do it again!” Statuedramon said.

“Oh, then, by all means, go ahead and try,” Hydramon’s three heads smirked, opening their mouths. “Lernaean Inferno!” Statuedramon held up his shield, preparing to defend against the oncoming attack.

“Statuedramon, get back!” Apollomon yelled. “That’s an order!”

“Don’t worry, boss; I’ve got—” Hydramon’s thick, orange flames completely overwhelmed the Rookie, for they had been far too violent for him to block. His small body was hidden from sight, covered by the flames. Thomas called out his friend’s name, and had I not grabbed his arm, he’d have surely run into the flames.

“Statuedramon…Statch, no…”

“There is nothing that can be done for him,” I said as Thomas fell to his knees. There was a clearing in the flames, and the form of two figures standing could be seen. Apollomon, with his arm raised, stood in front of Statuedramon, who looked up in awe at the Mega Digimon.

“Statuedramon…I told you…to stay back!” Apollomon yelled.

“Y—Yes sir…” Statuedramon said. Hydramon’s flames began to swirl around and around until they all gathered in a bright, shining orb in Apollomon’s hands.

“Solblaster!” Apollomon launched the flames at Hydramon, who simply laughed as he was struck by his own flames.

“My scales are harder than diamond, and proportionally as thick as the planet’s mantle! You think you could hurt me with my own flames?!” Hydramon asked. “You’ll have to try harder than that!”

“I don’t understand…I was able to do it last time,” Statuedramon said.

“Yes…but that was when about half of them remained,” I said. “Now that all twelve of them are here…their power has increased exponentially.”

“Everyone, get out of here!” Apollomon said. “This fight…this is not something that any of you can handle!”

“But, sir—”

“No buts, BlackGaomon! Just do it!”

“You too, Apollomon,” I said. “You are still injured.”


“Besides, you are their leader. Your presence will ease their minds,” I said. “And with peace of mind comes enhanced fighting abilities. If we are all to stay alive, then stay with them.”

“…All right.” Apollomon turned his back to me, following after his allies without turning to look back. “You’d better not get yourself killed, Seraphimon!” he called to me as he disappeared into the forest, following after the others.

“No worries there,” I whispered. “As long as my opponent is not Lilithmon…I will succeed.”

“You sure about that?” Hydramon asked. “Remember; my scales are—”

“Strike of the Seven Stars!” Seven glowing orbs struck Hydramon’s middle head, exploding on impact.

“…Hard as diamonds,” Hydramon smirked. “And after all those attacks, they retain their beautiful luster!” The center head lowered itself and looked me in the face. “Face it, Seraphimon…you’ve lost before you’ve even begun. You and your pathetic friends…you all don’t stand a chance against us!”

“Overconfidence will get you killed faster than a lack of confidence any day,” I said.

“Herculean Slicer!” Hydramon thrust the blade on his tail down, and I quickly grabbed it moments before it struck my neck. “Lernaean Inferno!” The attack happened so fast; I didn’t have enough time to react and protect myself as I was consumed by the orange flames. It was over as soon as it had begun. My armor was badly singed, and several of the golden feathers on my ten wings had fallen off and simply evaporated. I was breathing heavily, and yet I stood with a tight grip on Hydramon’s tail. As I began to generate a sword on my right arm, Hydramon flicked his tail, making me fall over onto my back, only to have the monstrous Digimon slam one of his legs on my body and pin me to the ground. His center head lowered itself even more and whispered, “I’m not going to kill you.”

“You…you’re not?!”

“Of course not…” Hydramon’s leg lifted up, allowing me to stand. “Killing only one of you would be absolutely no fun whatsoever. Run along now, little angel; find your friends.” I stood still, looking up at the tall Mega level. “Well? Don’t you wish to find your friends?”

“…And when I do find them, you’ll be there to kill them,” I said.

“The thought never crossed my mind. Go on…go find them. I’ll be waiting.”

“Hydramon…how stupid do you think I am?” I asked. “You’re planning on following me…so that when I do find them…that’s when you’ll strike.”

“And for all I know — which is quite a lot — they could have all separated,” Hydramon said. “I told you…killing only one of you at a time would be no fun at all. I want the pleasure of being able to kill the lot of you with a single attack!”

“Why should you get that honor?” another of Hydramon’s heads spoke up. “Just because you’re the one in the middle doesn’t mean you get to do all the fun stuff!”

“Ach, stop you complainin’,” Hydramon’s third head said. “Thas’ all any of us ever ‘ere from you anymore; jus’ constant bitchin’ and bitchin’…”

“Oi, shut up—”

“And then, jus’ when we think you done, you jus’ keep on bitchin’ an’ ramblin’ like you ain’t got anythin’ else to do!”

“Both of you; shut your fucking mouths!” Hydramon’s center head shouted at the two smaller heads. “I am trying to talk to our enemy!”

And while you’re busy talking to yourself, that enemy of yours is making his silent getaway. What an idiot…

“Look, Phil, I’ve said this to you thousands of times; all of us have a mind of our own now, so you don’t get to boss us around anymore!” the second head said. I hid myself behind a tree, waiting for the three heads’ little feud to end.

“YES I DO!!!” I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from laughing.

“Ach, lookit what you two did now!” Hydramon’s third head moaned.

“What now, Frank?!” the center head asked.

“While you two were bitchin’ each other out, tha’ angel ran away from us!”

“Wha—Where’d he go?!”

“Aww…I wanted to roast ‘im alive…”

Some clairvoyants these guys are…

“Oh, terrific; now we’ll never know where those bastards went! How could you lose sight of him?!”

I fucking knew it…

“Jennifer, calm down; we weren’t going to follow him anyway,” the center head, apparently called Phil, said.

“Oh…what are we goin’ to do, then?” the head known as Frank asked.

“You know…I hadn’t really thought about that…Shall we just go back to the lake until we figure out what we want to do?”

“That sounds unbearably dull…but I can’t think of a better idea,” the head known as Jennifer said.

“This doesn’t come as a surprise to me. When have you ever had a good idea?”

“SHUT UP!” the ground began to shake again; I peeked out from behind the tree I hid behind to see where he was going.

Lotisea Jungle…He’s going to the lake where he was sealed away the first time? Lake Viscaria… Hydramon was soon out of sight. “More importantly…where have the others gone?” I said to myself. “Apollomon…I need to find him…But where would he go…? And are the others with him? Or would Apollomon really have been foolish enough to separate the group at a time like this?” I looked up at the sky and thought for a moment. “…He probably would have…Damn it, I have to find them!”

Thomas Kasuto


The sun was beginning to set for the second time since we were attacked by Hydramon. In the beginning, all the members of Lachesis were in a group, but at Apollomon’s request, we had split ourselves into smaller groups. Zelda, Statuedramon, and I had just walked into a small, unfamiliar village.

“Thomas…how long do we have to…keep walking?” Statuedramon asked as he sat down on a dirt road. “We’ve been at it for…over a day…can we at least stop here for the night?”

“…Apollomon told us to get as far away as possible from the villa for a while,” I said to myself.

“Was it a good idea for us to separate?” Zelda asked. She had remained close to me as often as possible, and she had kept her hand in mine. “What if we get attacked?”

“It was what Apollomon commanded. As long as he is able to prove himself of being a capable leader…then I will do what he says without hesitation.”

“Where are we, anyway?” Statuedramon asked.

“We’re in a village known as Primrose,” Zelda said. “It is a desert village that rests on the borders of Valencia Territory and Cyprus Desert. It’s a small place, smaller than most other villages throughout the continent. Beyond that grassy slope at the end of this rode is a cliff overlooking the desert province.”

Statch looked up at Zelda. “You’ve been here before, haven’t you? Before you met us, you said you traveled around, right?” he asked.

“…No. This is actually my first time here,” Zelda said. “Before I came here, my…reputation preceded me. Because I’m one of the Marked…I wasn’t allowed to stay here…” Zelda sighed quietly, and I placed a hand over her shoulder. “All those things I said about this village…I either knew before we came here, or I could tell just by looking.”

“Wow…you sure are smart, Zelda,” Statch said.

“Oh, n—no, I…I—”

“Now that’s a really pretty shade of scarlet your face is turning!”

“Statuedramon” Statch laughed in a friendly manner as Zelda embarrassedly hid her face behind her hands. I began to smile as well, until a mysterious noise caught my attention.

That sound…it’s a flute… I looked around, trying to determine where the flute music came from. …One of the Horcruxes was a Flute…Does that…mean anything? Or am I just hearing things again…?

“…Thomas? Hey, Thomas, did you hear me?!”

“Oh, Statuedramon…sorry. I just…heard a flute…It just made me think of the Horcruxes…”

“I didn’t hear a flute,” Statch said. “Did you, Zelda?”

“…No…I hear it, too,” Zelda said.

“You can?! Well, why the hell can’t I hear it?!”

“This flute’s melody…it can only be heard by those destined for greatness.” A young blonde woman dressed all in white and carrying a flute walked up to us.

“Greatness…then…does that mean…I’m not…” The woman looked down at Statuedramon; her eyes were gold and piercing.

Just like Luna’s…

“…Just because one is incapable of hearing it means nothing. Some are born destined to accomplish much in life…others take control of their destinies, and forcibly engrave their names in history for all eternity.”

“Ooh…That sounds like fun!” Statch said.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“…My name…it is Linoan…”

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chapter 85: The Twelvth Joins In


Mandala City


“Welcome, my friends!” I exclaimed.

“Lilithmon, I’m impressed; you were actually successful at something,” Lupinemon said.

“Aww…does this mean she will not receive divine punishment?” DeathPhantomon asked sadly.

“Actually…I think we should rethink that,” Belphemon said. “She was successful, surprising as it sounds. Perhaps…we ought to be the ones apologizing? For doubting her?”

“…I don’t know if I would ever go that far,” Lupinemon growled. “She kept us waiting for far too long. Let’s just say we’re even.”

“I’m inclined to agree with Lupinemon,” Myotismon said. “I may never forgive her for taking so damned long…but she did get us out in the end, and for that…she has my begrudging thanks.”

“Oh, there’s no need for thanks,” I said. “Now that the eleven of us are alive — twelve, if you count Cherubimon, wherever he might be — we are all at our fullest power!”

“Well, I do know one thing,” Hydramon said. “If it weren’t for one person in this city, this momentous occasion would never have happened!”

“And I think we all know who that person is,” Horusmon said.

“…Me?” I asked hopefully.

“No, Lilithmon; we speak of your crony, Sephyrus,” Generalmon said. “It certainly seems as though he did more for us than you ever did.”

“Oh…no…I have done little to aid in all of this,” Sephyrus said, sounding slightly embarrassed. “It was all Lilithmon’s work, I assure you.”

“Well, whatever the case, we are free,” Machinedramon said.

“Freedom…after precisely one million seconds of waiting…freedom has been achieved by Lucemon,” Lucemon said. “This emotion known to others as ‘elation’ that Lucemon feels…it feels quite unnatural…Is this…normal?”

“Well, Lilithmon, I can’t thank you enough for this,” SkullCaliphmon said, placing his arm around my shoulders. “After this, I am quite certain our boned will grow stronger! Get it?!” SkullCaliphmon began laughing. “IT’S FUNNY BECAUSE BONED RHYMES WITH BOND KIND OF!”

“SkullCaliphmon, shut up!” Lupinemon said. “Nobody thinks your horrible bone puns are funny other than you!”

“…I kind of do,” DeathPhantomon chuckled.

“SHUT UP!!!!”

“Well, my friends…I believe it is time,” I said. “Time…to go to the surface!”

“Final Elysion!” A large beam of light suddenly came out of nowhere and struck Belphemon in the chest, making him fall over and land on Hydramon.

“Well, then…it appears as if our friends are here!” DeathPhantomon cackled.

Thomas stepped out of the blue light of one among many portals to Mandala. “…We’re too late,” he said. “They…they’ve all been released…” Next to him stood Zelda, Statuedramon, Gallantmon, and a woman I could only assume to be Bellaluna.

“Well, I’ve never been one to quit no matter how the odds look!” Statuedramon said, rushing towards us like an idiot.

“Permit me to deal with him,” Horusmon said. “Ebon Flames of Purgatory!” Horusmon exhaled thick black and purple flames from his beak at the advancing Rookie, and in spite of the fact that he had his shield up, the flames consumed and overwhelmed him and knocked him down to his back, moderately singed.

“Why…so powerful…stronger than it was in Lotisea,” Statuedramon said weakly.

“All of us are alive now,” Generalmon said. “Our strength multiplies a thousandfold with each one of us that is alive.”

“We are unstoppable now!” Machinedramon said. “Get out of our way, of suffer the consequences!”

“I think not; Royal Saber!” A blast of lightning was emitted by Gallantmon’s lance and shot at us, but with a single snap of Myotismon’s fingers, the attack changed direction and struck Gallantmon in the chest.


“I…forgive me…Zelda…I’ll have to retreat for now…” Gallantmon disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

“Lernaean Inferno!” Hydramon spewed a spiraling flame from his mouth that trapped the three Humans and Statuedramon in a ring of flames.

“Now to end this!” Belphemon swung his powerful arms and flailed the chains wrapped around them. One of the chains struck a nearby marble pillar, causing it to break apart and collapse down on those trapped in the flames.

“Ooh…did that kill them?” DeathPhantomon asked.

“…It is doubtful,” Generalmon said. “Their witch was with them, and her magic is nothing to be scoffed at. It is possible that she is—”

“Who cares about that?! Let’s just get out of here while they’re powerless to stop us!” Lupinemon growled.

“Oh, I’ve waited so long for this!” Hydramon exclaimed. Above us, a hole opened in the barrier protecting this city and through the ocean. Hydramon’s eyes began to glow blue, and all of us, Sephyrus included, rose up into the air and through the break in the barrier. The water swirled out of our way, making a pathway to the surface. In no time at all, we had broken through to the surface of the ocean.

“At last…we are free!” I exclaimed. Hydramon landed us in a more shallow part of the ocean, where the water barely reached my knees.

“Strike…of the Seven Stars!” From the sky, seven orbs of light came down and stuck me, and only me. I fell facedown into the ocean.

“Lilithmon! Thou aren’t dead, art thee?” DeathPhantomon asked. I raised my head just as the form of a familiar Digimon floated down from the sky, landing before me.


“Lilithmon…Apollomon told me you were up to something again,” Seraphimon said. “And so we came…to put an end to whatever it is you and your friends have in mind!”

You two, stop me?!” I stood up.

“Well, at the very least, he won’t be alone,” Apollomon said, walking up to Seraphimon with Dianamon and the Human known as Pheragas.

“This time…you are outnumbered, and I have no intention of stabbing myself this time!” I said.

“Stabbing yourself?!” Lupinemon asked.

“Lily, dear…did you not tell us it was Seraphimon who killed you the first time?” Machinedramon asked.

“Uh…Well, you see…”

“Oh, who cares what happened hundreds of years ago?!” Horusmon asked.

“There’s nothing they can do to stop us, so let us put an end to them once and for all!” Belphemon roared. The three Digimon approached us, the sky darkening with clouds as they did.

“Fine, then; fight us if you dare!” I said. “I’ll send you to join your friends very soon!”

“Strike of the Seven Stars!”


“Ice Archery!” The three Digimon prepared their attacks, but before they could do anything, all of them, Pheragas included, were all struck down by lightning. Red lightning. The sky had darkened with thick clouds.

“Wait a minute…I recognize that lightning,” SkullCaliphmon said. “Isn’t that…” Our four opponents stood up, fazed and weakened.

“Terminal Judgment!” More and more bolts of red lightning fell from the sky and struck our adversaries, knocking them unconscious.

“It is him…Cherubimon is here!” Hydramon hissed with delight as an enormous Digimon descended from the clouds and landed before us.

“Lilithmon…I apologize for my absence for all these years,” Cherubimon said.

“So, you were alive all this time?” Generalmon asked.

“Why didn’t you show yourself until now?” Horusmon asked.

“Yes, you could have saved poor Sephyrus here a lot of time by showing yourself and helping him retrieve the Horcruxes I made,” I said.

“I…I had not been made aware of Lilithmon’s revival until recently,” Cherubimon bowed before me. “I offer no excuse for my tardiness. If you wish to strike me down in retribution, then—”

“No need for that,” I quickly said. “Now that you are here, Cherubimon, the twelve of us can pick up where we left off.”

“…Whatever it is that you wish…I shall do it…Ophanimon.”

Ugh! How many times have I told people not to call me by that disgusting name?! Although…when Cherubimon does it, I suppose it is kind of adorable…But, of course, I would never say that out loud…

“We’ve been trapped in that stuffy old Dark Area for such a long time…I’m not really sure what I’d like to do first,” Hydramon said.

“Before we all go, would anybody like for me to make Horcruxes—”

“Oh, don’t feed us that shit again, Lilithmon!” Myotismon snapped.

“You did that for us last time, but it took you over five hundred years to free us!” Belphemon roared.

“Indeed; how long will it take for you to free us next time? One thousand years? A millennium? Never?!” Myotismon asked. “Provided that we are, in fact, gracious enough to give you a second chance, that is.”

“There are a few things I’d like taken care of immediately,” SkullCaliphmon said. “I don’t have time for Lilithmon to snatch away a part of my soul and stick it in a pencil or something.”

“There is a certain city in Shendu Territory…I shall wipe it off the map,” Generalmon said. “That city…they will all pay for what they did to me!”

“So…nobody wants another chance at life in case something happens?” I asked.

“And what could happen, Lily dear?” Machinedramon asked. “Seraphimon and Apollomon are dealt with. You told us SlashAngemon was killed. Most of the Celestial Vanguard has vanished to who knows where. Those others are trapped at the bottom of a very large marble column. There is nobody left to stand up to us.”

“The Order of the Enchantress,” Lucemon sighed. “Lucemon believes that there is a one hundred percent chance at our continued survival.”

“This is probably for the best, milady,” Sephyrus said to me as the others, save for Cherubimon, left the shoreline. “It would be bad for morale if you were to do so; they all believe themselves to be capable of survival. And I believe so as well, of course.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I said. “But…what if something happens? What if they—”

“Nothing will happen to them,” Cherubimon said. “They believe too firmly for otherwise.”

“…Cherubimon…where will you go?” I asked.

“If…if Ophanimon has nothing for me to do…then I would like to stay at her side,” Cherubimon said. “Alongside Sir Sephyrus, I will serve you however you wish.”

“It is an honor, sir,” Sephyrus said.

“…Very well. You both may stay at my side. In Mandala,” I said.


10 Minutes


“Apollomon! Sir! Ah you unhohmed, sir?!” I was being violently shaken awake. Pheragas’s large hands were placed in a very uncomfortable position around my shoulders as he repeated my name over and over until I finally opened my eyes.

“Pheragas…the others—”

“Dianamon and Seraphimon ah both unhohmed,” Pheragas said. “Dey ah on dare way back to de villa. Seraphimon said dat he believed in you, and dat you vould be okay.”

I smirked. “Yes…that sounds like something he would say…He hasn’t changed a bit in the last five hundred years…”

“Lilithmon and her allies left as vell, but I do not know vare dey vent. I apologize, sir; I could not stop dem…”

“There’s…nothing to apologize for, Pheragas. There was nothing you could have done to stop them…”

“Vell, ve should get going, den,” Pheragas said, helping me stand up.

“No…we can’t go yet,” I said. “I overheard them talking while I was…unconscious…Thomas and the others might be there…They’re trapped…they need our help!” I took off, leaving Pheragas behind as I ran through the increasingly deeper waters. Even if I have to hold my breath and swim all the way to the bottom of the ocean, I will save you! I came to a stop in front of a giant whirlpool. I peered down into it and saw the ruins of Mandala. Without a second thought, I dove in, landing next to a huge pile of rubble covered in the dying remnants of a fire. Pheragas landed behind me shortly afterward.

“Vare ah day?” Pheragas asked.

I looked to the pile of rubble to my left. Oh, Goddess Arcadia…don’t let them be buried underneath all of that! My heart was pounding, and before I knew it, I had run over to the pile and begun frantically digging through it.

“Apollomon, calm down!” Pheragas grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from the rubble. “If day ah unduhneath all of dat…den…day won’t be alive…”

“…No!” I freed myself from Pheragas’s grip, and continued to excavate the rubble. The tears that had blurred my vision nearly made me miss the bright green-blue glow surrounding the rubble and even the flames. Pheragas pulled me back once again, and just in time, as the rubble began moving on its own. It moved slowly at first, but a half second later, it was all blown away in a flash. Thomas, Zelda, and Statuedramon lay on the floor, covered in dirt and sweat. Luna stood with her arms raised, and her hands were covered in the same green-blue light. Exhausted, the witch fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

“Boss…you’re here,” Luna smiled.

“What the hell happened here?!” I asked. “Thomas…Zelda…Statch…are they—”

“They…will be fine…”

“Yeah…you expected anything less of us?” Statch asked.

“Luna…saved our lives,” Thomas said. “Some of the rubble…did land on us…but she stepped in…before anything too big hit us…”

“We were all trapped in that small space…that fire robbed us of our oxygen…and we were nearly crushed to death,” Luna added. “We’re all…lucky…to still be alive…”

“Where you…able to find Seraphimon?” Zelda asked.

“Yeah…Dianamon and I attacked Lilithmon’s group with him, but…we weren’t strong enough, and they escaped…Cherubimon showed up as well, which was why they were able to escape.”

“Well, things sure do seem to be getting better and better, don’t they?” Statuedramon asked sarcastically.

“It’s not as bad as it could be, I suppose. The sky hasn’t fallen, after all,” Apollomon said. “You all okay?”

“My swords arm’s completely busted,” Thomas said. “I can’t move it at all…I can walk, though.”

“It’ll probably be a while before I can walk again, so I don’t know how useful I’ll be,” Statuedramon said.

“I can move my legs a little bit, but it really hurts to move them, and I can’t move my left arm at all,” Zelda said.

“I’m completely exhausted from holding all that crap up,” Luna said, her breast rising and falling with the rhythm of her breathing. All four of us were covered in dust, grime, blood, and sweat. “I can…fix everyone up…when we get back…”

“I guess I have no choice, den,” Pheragas said. “De two of us vill just ’ave to carry you tree back home. Thomas, you can valk, cahn’t you?”

“Yeah…hold on for a moment, though.” Thomas stood up and walked over to where the gateway to the Dark Area must have opened up just moments before; there, to my surprise, Michalis’s blood-soaked corpse lay at the center of a ring of Horcruxes. “…So…this is where you met your end…You were Victoria’s son, my mother’s son…and you were essentially my brother…and you killed her. You murdered her.” There was a large, gaping hole in the middle of Michalis’s neck which still oozed blood. “I…I only wish I had the chance to kill you myself…but it seems as though your death was a slow and painful one. I am satisfied.” Thomas walked past his corpse, ‘accidentally’ stepping on his face as he walked over to the center of the Horcruxes.

“Thomas…what are you doing?” I asked. I held Zelda and Statuedramon in my arms while Pheragas carried Luna.

“Is dat de Necklace?” Pheragas asked. Thomas looked down at the pendant that was now in his hand. The Necklace, like the other Horcruxes, appeared to be somewhat singed, as if they had been thrown in a fire. “Is it safe to pick up?” Thomas nodded.

“This Necklace…it may have once trapped the soul of an evil Digimon within…but it was a gift to me from Zelda, and regardless of its history as a Horcrux, it’s still very important to me.”

“Thomas…” Zelda said tenderly.

“…Are you ready to depart, then?” I asked.

“Hold on…this was Saias’s, wasn’t it?” I picked up the sword; its hilt was burnt to a small degree as with the other Horcruxes, but its metal blade shone beautifully. “This should at least be placed at his grave.”

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Chapter 84: The Gate to the Dark Area




“My…friends?” I gasped. Looking back at me in the mirror were the ten heads of my friends.

“How adorable; the tart wished to be left alone,” Hydramon said. “When on the contrary…”

“She is far from alone,” Generalmon said.

“My friends…It’s so good to see you,” I said nervously. “But…how is it you are speaking with me?”

“Hast thou forgotten what I’m capable of?” DeathPhantomon asked. “With the crystal sphere around my neck, I can observe the actions of anyone I so desire!”

“And with my abilities, I am able to project our images through DeathPhantomon’s pendant and onto the Mirror…my Horcrux,” Hydramon said.

“Oh…yes. What a…truly wonderful ability,” I said nervously. “It…makes me proud to call you all my friends!”

“Your sentiment will subside in due time,” SkullCaliphmon said. “Prepare to say bone-voyage to it!”

“Your punishment is nigh,” Machinedramon said.

“All of you are still going on about that?! I can still free you!” I shouted for what felt to be the hundredth time.

“And how do you plan on doing that, now that all of our Horcruxes have been emptied of souls?!” Belphemon roared.

“Don’t doubt me! I know of a way!” I said. “Do you think I have been wasting time here…this time?! I know of a spell, utilizing all of the Horcruxes I have made, which will open the gate to the Dark Area until the last of you is freed!”

“I’ve a question for you, Lilithmon,” Myotismon asked. “Can you be trusted? You live still; you could easily abandon the ten of us.”

“What are you talking about?! Of course she can’t be trusted!” Lupinemon snarled viciously.

“But if we all desire our freedom, we’ve no option but to do as such, even if it pains us,” Lucemon said. “Lucemon included.”

“I care not if she can or can’t be trusted!” DeathPhantomon laughed. “Either way, I’m going to get my scythe into her!”

“Now, about this spell, Lilithmon,” Hydramon said. “What are the details of it?”

“It’s very simple, really,” I said.

Thomas Kasuto

Saias’s Villa

Living Room


“DeathPhantomon has been killed,” Statuedramon said.

“That leaves only Lilithmon,” Luna said.

“No…no, this is very bad!” Statch said. “Thomas, don’t you remember what Deckerdramon told us a few weeks ago?”

“…Yes. With DeathPhantomon out of the way…she’ll be able to open the gate to the Dark Area,” I said.

“…Sorry, what?!” BlackGaomon asked.

“We think that Lilithmon might know of a spell that requires the use of the Horcruxes once they are free of souls,” Statuedramon said.

“Wait, when the Digimon were freed, the portion of their soul that was in the Horcrux left the object and joined the Digimon, didn’t it?” Luna asked.

“Yes, but the traces of their soul remains,” I said. “All Deckerdramon told us…was that once she had all of the Horcruxes, and only after they had been freed of a soul…that was what she would do. It’s the only reason why she would still keep the Horcrux once it became emptied of souls.”

“And that might be what she’s doing now,” Statch added. “It…it might be too late…”

“No. No, it’s never too late,” I said. “This might be our last chance to stop her! If she succeeds…then we may never defeat her!”

“So…you’re going back?” BlackGaomon asked.

“It’s a lot more urgent than it was last time,” Zelda said.

“As Thomas said, this might be our last chance to defeat Lilithmon,” Statuedramon added.

“…All right. Go on, then,” BlackGaomon said. “Go…go and kick her ass!”

“We’ll do that!” Statch nodded. “The three of us…will win.”

“Make that four,” Luna said. “Because I’m going with you.”

“If mommy’s going, then Chrissy’s going—”

“No!” Luna interrupted. “This is way too dangerous for you, sweetie. Just…just stay here with BlackGaomon…Be a good girl, and mommy will be back soon…”


“Well, shall we go, then?” Statuedramon asked, leading the way to the front door.




“See…by laying out your Horcruxes this way, in the shape of a magical array…I am able to use my magic in junction with it, thereby opening the gateway to the Dark Area until the last of you has been freed,” Lilithmon said.

“Lilithmon…are you certain of this?!” I heard Myotismon ask. At Lilithmon’s request, Michalis and I stood far away from her in case of the event that something should go wrong.

“This just seems a little…farfetched,” Generalmon said.

“There’s no chance of this little plan of yours backfiring, is there?” Belphemon asked.

“Guys, why do you think I’ve been here in Mandala ever since I freed SkullCaliphmon? Why do you think I sent Sephyrus out to free you instead of going myself?” Lilithmon asked. “I didn’t want to waste any of my magical energy doing so! I knew I would have to do this at some point, so I stayed here, dormant, building up my magical energy. Now, it is at its peak, and I am ready to free you!”

“Lilithmon, why could you not have just done this at the beginning?” Hydramon asked.

“I should hope that was obvious; I didn’t even have all of them at once up until now,” Lilithmon said. “This spell requires the use of every Horcrux the user has made.”

“This all just seems very…coincidental,” Lupinemon said. “Almost a little…ridiculous…”

“Well, worry not; in a few moments’ time, I’ll have freed every last one of you!” Lilithmon raised her arms up above her head; the ten Horcruxes emitted a black light. The ground, even the air seemed to tremble and quake. “…Something…is wrong…Something else…is needed…Michalis…come here for a moment, sweetie. Mother needs your help.”

“Sure thing.” I walked up to the Mega Digimon. “What do you need, moth—” I was interrupted when Lilithmon jabbed her right claw into my neck. Blood came spurting from the wound and my mouth as Lilithmon raised me up into the air. “Moth…er…why?”

“You…were useless to me anyway,” Lilithmon said, dropping me in the middle of the magical array. “But you will do quite well as a sacrificial pawn.” As I lay, dying, Lilithmon’s smiling face flashed before my eyes…as did the smiling face of Victoria.



Even though I knew what was about to happen before she killed him, angst did not rise in my heart, nor did I avert my eyes. I did not feel a twinge of sympathy, or remorse, or the slightest amount of sadness as Michalis died, and I watched with indifference as his body was consumed by the black light. Instead, I smiled as the doorway to the Dark Area opened itself.

“Welcome, my friends!” Lilithmon exclaimed.